– Ronnie Kasrils, veteran of the anti-apartheid struggle, and South Africa’s former Minister for Intelligence Services, activist and author. He contributed this piece to The Palestine Chronicle
– Ronnie Kasrils, veteran of the anti-apartheid struggle, and South Africa’s former Minister for Intelligence Services, activist and author. He contributed this piece to The Palestine Chronicle
By Ronnie Kasrils The formation of The Hague Group marks a turning point in the global struggle to hold Israel accountable for its crimes in Palestine. The horrors of the Israeli assault on Gaza and […]
By Ronnie Kasrils Zionism is not dead, but it is certainly dying. The cost will be devastatingly high, high beyond measure, but those for whom we weep will win the war. In Gaza, six children […]
By Ronnie Kasrils (Author’s Note: This is my response to a South African commentator who runs the Brenthurst Foundation. He criticized me in several South African online publications for my support for Palestinian Resistance, and […]
By Ronnie Kasrils In the eyes of the multitude of racists in Israel, the Palestinians are Untermenschen – less than human, even animals. Spokesperson of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) Wendy Kahn’s […]
By Ronnie Kasrils The Palestinian spirit is unbreakable. Like the mythical phoenix, defiant and heroic Gaza will rise from the fire. The aerial bombardment of Gaza’s most crowded Jabalia refugee camp piles on one massacre […]
By Ronnie Kasrils No one should revel in human suffering but the responsibility for death and destruction lies on the side of those responsible for oppression. As astonishing as the break-out of the Gaza concentration […]
By Ronnie Kasrils If we believe Chris Hani represented the future of the country, did the assassins murder the future? With South Africa and the once powerful African National Congress (ANC) in dire straits – […]
By Ronnie Kasrils The recent hatchet job by Greg Mills and Ray Hartley in the Daily Maverick shows they believe it is their hallowed duty to strike down any voice daring to question the Western […]
By Ronnie Kasrils Shireen! Shireen! Struck down on Street Jenin Bloodhounds Snarl and bite Her home they storm Her corpse still warm They salivate Gobs of hate Dogs of war Raid hospital ward Bereft respect […]
By Ronnie Kasrils Much will be said about Ebrahim Ismail Ebrahim, and like the repetition of his name, there will be many glowing reiterations of his courage, modesty, integrity, fortitude and loyalty to the ANC. […]
By Ronnie Kasrils An evocative French film set in a Hiroshima destroyed by the United States atomic bomb has been haunting me these dreadful days of carnage in Gaza. I refer to the 1959 anti-war […]
By Ronnie Kasrils 73 years since the onset of the ‘catastrophe’, with Apartheid Israel having believed Palestinian memories would fade away, has witnessed unity and courage of a people unbowed, relentlessly fighting for their land […]
By Ronnie Kasrils I salute Jeremy Corbyn’s Peace & Justice initiative which could not be more timely, and I am proud to be part of it. We live in troubled times: the raging pandemic, rise […]
By Ronnie Kasrils The assault on free speech within Britain’s Labour Party speaks like a ghost from my past. I was banned from public speaking in apartheid South Africa almost sixty years ago. My crime […]
By Ronnie Kasrils The United Arab Emirates (UAE) support of Trump’s Deal of the Century with Israel reeks of treachery and betrayal. It stabs not only the Palestinians in the back but the aspirations and […]
By Ronnie Kasrils “The whole land of Canaan…I will give to you as an everlasting possession to you and your dependents after you.” It is claimed that God spoke those words to Abraham almost four […]
By Ronnie Kasrils My enduring memory of Denis Goldberg, who died in Cape Town, just after the 26th anniversary of South Africa’s freedom day, comes from his late mother’s lips. A frail Annie Goldberg recounted […]
A recent New York Times made many claims about the ‘mass rape’ of Israeli women on October 7. But two leading Palestinian media organizations, The Palestine Chronicle and Friends of Palestine Network, conducted a joint investigation, the outcome of which resulted in the ‘The Black Dress’, a groundbreaking 18-minute documentary looking into allegations and the possible falsification of evidence.
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