West Bank Commander Assassinated by Missile – Israel Escalates Violence, ‘Legalizes’ Settlements

Saeed Al-Jaber was assassinated by an Israeli missile. (Photo: via social media)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Israeli occupation forces on Sunday assassinated Saeed Al-Jaber, commander of the Nour Shams camp battalion of the Al-Quds Brigades in the Tulkarm area in the West Bank.

Palestine TV reported that “the Israeli occupation targeted with a missile a house in the Manshiya neighborhood in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm, which led to the death of Saeed Al-Jaber and the injury of five others, including children.”

Palestinian media also reported that al-Jaber is the commander and founder of the Nour Shams camp battalion of the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad in Palestine movement.

Thousands of Tulkarm residents mourned the death of Al-Jaber, who was buried amid chants supporting the Resistance and demanding revenge from the occupation.

This brings the number of victims of the Israeli violence against Palestinians in the West Bank to 554, in addition to about 5,300 wounded, since October 7, according to data released by the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

Settlers Rampage 

In related news, violent clashes erupted between resistance fighters and the occupation forces in Al-Fara’a refugee camp, south of Tubas.

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades of the Fatah movement in Al-Fara’a camp said that it was engaged in armed clashes with the occupation forces in the camp, after discovering the infiltration of an Israeli special force.

Meanwhile, extremist settlers set fire to agricultural land in the town of ‘Asira al-Qibliya, south of Nablus.

The Israeli extremists also attacked Palestinian farmers in the Wadi al-Qatfa area, west of the town of As-Samu’, south of Hebron, attacking farmers, seizing their sheep and preventing them from accessing their land.

Following the attack, the occupying forces raided the area, carried out search operations, and raided Palestinian homes. 

Arrest Campaign 

In occupied Jerusalem, forces stormed the town of Al-Ram and stopped and searched vehicles under the pretext of searching for wanted persons.

Earlier on Sunday, Israeli occupying forces arrested six Palestinians in the West Bank cities of Hebron and Nablus, the official Palestinian news agency, WAFA reported.

According to the WAFA, the Israeli occupation forces arrested 4 Palestinians from the town of Yatta, south of Hebron, and 2 others from Nablus in the West Bank, after raiding their homes, while the occupation continues to storm other West Bank cities.

On Saturday afternoon, Israeli occupying forces raided the village of Qalqas, south of Hebron, and the village of Qusra, southeast of Nablus in the West Bank.

Wennesland Warns 

Amid the continued Israeli escalation, the UN envoy to the Middle East, Tor Wennesland, expressed grave concern over the Israeli government’s decision to legalize five new settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Wennesland stressed on the social media platform X that this decision exacerbates tensions and reduces the chances of achieving peace based on the two-state solution.

He also noted that the settlements constituted a flagrant violation of international law and United Nations resolutions.

Arab countries and organizations have also condemned Israel’s decision to expand settlements in the occupied West Bank, warning of serious consequences and condemning Tel Aviv’s violation of international law.

The Arab rejection came after the Israel Broadcasting Corporation (KAN) announced that the cabinet had approved a plan last Thursday that included “legalizing five outposts in the West Bank and publishing tenders for the construction of thousands of housing units in settlements.”

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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