The Party in Beit Hanoun: Gaza-Boy Makes His Own Drum Set (VIDEO)

Gaza teen Hussam Qasim, 16, made his own drums using basic materials. (Photo: Video Capture, Gaza Post)

In a small, but crowded town in the north of the Gaza Strip, a group of kids gather around Palestinian teenager Hussam Qasim, 16, who made his own drum set, using basic iron and plastic materials.

Qasim lives in Bit Hanoun, a town that has endured much of the brunt of the last Israeli war. Many people were killed there, but the spirit of the Beit Hanounis remained alive.

Qasim says that he overcame many challenges despite the difficult conditions his family is living through. And he had just finally achieved his dream of playing the drums.

As soon as his set was complete, his friends and neighbors gathered around to listen to Qasim play. Judging by their reaction, Qasim’s invention was a success.

#شاهد ابداع فتى من غزة يحقق أمنيته بامتلاك "درمز" ويصنعه من أواني بسيطة

#شاهد ابداع فتى من غزة يحقق أمنيته بامتلاك "درمز" ويصنعه من أواني بسيطة

Posted by ‎غزة بوست‎ on Sonntag, 11. Februar 2018


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