‘Thousands of Troops’ – Israel Transfers Forces from Gaza, West Bank to Lebanon Border

The Israeli-Lebanese border. (Photo: Johnny Zoo, via Wikimedia commons)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Following Israel’s cyber-terrorist attack in Lebanon, Tel Aviv deploys forces on the border with Lebanon in anticipation of a full-scale war.

The Israeli occupation army on Thursday moved troops from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and deployed them on the border with Lebanon in anticipation of a full-blown war with the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, Al-Jazeera reported.

The projected war comes after an Israeli cyber-terrorist attack, which was carried out in two waves on Tuesday and Wednesday, killed at least 32 Lebanese including children, and injured thousands.

The Israeli army radio said on Thursday that “it had been decided to transfer combat forces from the West Bank to the border with Lebanon in anticipation of the outbreak of a full-scale war,” Al-Jazeera said.

ABC News also reported that “Israel has moved a powerful fighting force up to the northern border” in recent days.

According to ABC News, “Israel has fortified forces along the border with Lebanon, including the arrival this week of a powerful army division,” which fought in the Gaza Strip.

The American news network spoke of the deployment of the 98th division on the border with Lebanon, which it said includes “thousands of troops, including paratrooper infantry units and artillery and elite commando forces,” quoting what it said was an official with knowledge of the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The deployment of the 98th division was also confirmed by the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth for what it said is “in preparation for the possibility of an expansion of the war against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon,” according to Al-Jazeera.

The Wall Street Journal “also quoted an informed source” as saying that the Israeli cyber-terrorist attack in Lebanon concurred with the transfer of a division from the Gaza Strip to the border with Lebanon.

Security Zone

The Israeli radio reported on September 16 that the commander of the northern brigade, Uri Gordin, announced his forces are prepared to establish a security zone on the Lebanese side of the border, amid escalating tensions within the Israeli government over expanding military operations in Lebanon.

This came on the same day the Israeli Security Council met and decided to authorize Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant to add the return of northern residents to their homes to the war’s objectives.

The Israeli newspaper Maariv reported that an emergency drill took place a day earlier in Haifa, simulating various wartime scenarios, including a potential conflict with Lebanon.

Border War

Since the start of the Israeli war on Gaza, on October 7, the Lebanese movement Hezbollah has engaged directly, but relatively in a limited way in the war against the Israeli occupation.

In recent weeks, however, the intensity of the fighting has increased, leading to concerns that an all-out war between Hezbollah and the Israeli army is imminent.

Israel has occupied parts of Lebanon for decades and has only left the country in 2000, following stiff Lebanese resistance under Hezbollah’s leadership.

Israel attempted to re-occupy Lebanon in 2006 but failed in what Lebanon considers a major victory against Israel.

Israel, however, continues to occupy parts of Lebanon, namely the Sheeba Farms region.

Hezbollah has vowed to recover every inch of Lebanon that has been occupied by Israel contrary to international law.