In this episode of “Palestine In Perspective”, host and Toronto-based writer for The Palestine Chronicle, Paul Salvatori, talks with pro-Palestinian Israeli activist, journalist, and author Miko Peled.
Peled shares why, despite it presenting itself as progressive, “liberal Zionism” is a myth and how all forms of Zionism amount, in practice, to the denial of fundamental rights and freedoms for the Palestinian people.
Unique about this episode is that Peled, having grown up in Israel society and in a Zionist community (before rejecting it and becoming a pro-Palestinian activist), provides a firsthand look into what that society actually looks like, the troublesome (and racist) attitudes of its members and just how to cut off they are from the Palestinians they claim to well understand as a “threatening” or “menacing” presence.
This quasi-ethnographic perspective offers listeners a revealing look into how a great deal of Israeli society still, and unfortunately, falsely views Palestinians today, as well as the warped sense of pride they take in their subjugation.
“Palestine In Perspective” is a newly featured podcast on The Palestine Chronicle and sub-series of the social justice and human rights-focused podcast, The Dark Room.
Through candid interviews and discussions with pro-Palestinian voices—from scholars and activists to artists and intellectuals—“Palestine In Perspective” illuminates key issues of Palestinian justice, resistance and the international struggle against Israeli apartheid. The show is hosted by Toronto-based writer, activist and musician Paul Salvatori.
(Thank you to Peter Restivo for the sound mixing of this episode.)

– Paul Salvatori is a Toronto-based journalist, community worker and artist. Much of his work on Palestine involves public education, such as through his recently created interview series, “Palestine in Perspective” (The Dark Room Podcast), where he speaks with writers, scholars and activists. He contributed this article to The Palestine Chronicle.