Janus Unbound: Journal of Critical Studies announced on November 13 the launch of its inaugural issue on “The Meaning of Colonization in the 21st Century”. The journal’s first issue is edited by Peter Trnka and Mohamed Salah Eddine Madiou.
This first issue focuses on colonization in general and on Palestine in particular, and features works by renowned scholars of resistance, such as Gayatri Spivak and Ilan Pappé, and by researchers, poets, and artists, such as Ahmad Qabaha, Ramzy Baroud, Deborah Root, Syrine Hout, Romana Rubeo, Bilal Hamamra, M. Véronique Switzer, Louis Brehony, Rebecca Salazar, Jay Foster, Heather Nolan, Fadi Abou-Rihan, Diane Roberts, and Shazia Hafiz Ramji.
The issue has been praised for its strength, confrontation, and style, and described as a long-overdue critique of colonization. Palestinian historian Nur Masalha describes the journal and its first issue as “a major achievement,” scholar Timothy Brennan as “beautiful with impressive content,” and cultural theorist Imre Szeman as “a wonderful initiative.”
Peter Trnka and Mohamed Salah Eddine Madiou, Editors of Janus Unbound: Journal of Critical Studies, are exceedingly happy to announce the publication of the inaugural issue, JU 1.1 The Meaning of Colonization in the 21st Century, Fall 2021.
In collective resistance, the Editors pic.twitter.com/RzxlELzzgJ
— Janus Unbound: Journal of Critical Studies (@janusunbound) November 13, 2021
Janus Unbound is an open-access journal founded by Mohamed Salah Eddine Madiou in 2018 and published by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The journal challenges prevailing views and established ideas, encourages thought-provoking research topics, debate, and criticism, and is anti-colonial in approach. It aims to unchain research and offer researchers and artists an unbound space to publish, share and promote their work in an accessible and transparent way.
The second issue of Janus Unbound is scheduled for Spring/Summer 2022 and will be devoted to “Settler Colonialism and Indigenous Communities.” Submissions (articles, poetry, photography, film) might consider topics such as dispossession, ethnic cleansing, racial and environmental genocide, land and water rights, epistemic communities, and other relevant issues.
(Interested parties should email the editorial office at ja-nusunbound@gmail.com or register and submit their work online. Deadline for submissions is 15 February 2022. For more information, click here)
(Mohamed Salah Eddine Madiou)