Praying for Victory in Gaza – On First Day of Ramadan (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

Displaced Palestinians in Gaza on the first mass prayer in Ramadan. (Photo: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff – Gaza

Not even Israel’s genocidal war would interrupt the faith of Gaza. Ramadan has started and, with it, prayers, evocations, and hope.

“Oh God, please end this war”, the Imam said as the faithful repeated Ameen. 

“Oh Allah, please grant us victory and bless our martyrs, and help our families.” 

“Ameen,” they all chanted.

The Palestine Chronicle correspondent attended a mass prayer at a displacement camp in Rafah and sent us this video. 

“Oh God, End this War and Grant Us Victory’.

(All Photos: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)

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1 Comment

  1. My dear Palestinians,be real when approaching the Israeli presence. You refuse the fact Israel lived there before you which everyone knows is true historically. Stop dreaming of destroying Israel because it’s not possible, lets face reality, get thinking aright by rejecting your Iran sponsored Hamas and this idea of martyrs as when any dies he/she is gone and a vacuum already created.

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