Palestinian Teenager Killed as Settlers Continue Rampage on West Bank

Israeli soldiers at the entrance of the village of Al Mughayir. (Photo: via QNN TW Page)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

At times accompanied by Israeli forces, armed settlers have attacked several villages including al-Mughayyir, Abu Falah, Duma, al-Sawiyeh and Huwara since Thursday evening.

Mobs of Jewish settlers have continued their rampage across the occupied West Bank, killing another young Palestinian man, and setting fire to homes as well as attacking an ambulance.

The Ministry of Health confirmed the killing of 17-year-old Omar Ahmed Hamed due to critical injuries sustained during an attack on Saturday by settlers on the village of Beitin, northeast of Ramallah, reported the official Palestinian news agency, WAFA.

At times accompanied by Israeli forces, armed settlers have attacked several villages including al-Mughayyir, Abu Falah, Duma, al-Sawiyeh and Huwara since Thursday evening.

West Bank Inferno – Jewish Settlers, Israeli Forces Storm Villages, Set Homes Alight

Electricity Cut

On Saturday evening, settlers attacked vehicles of Palestinians near the village of Dar Salah as well as Al-Jab’a, in Bethlehem, causing damage to some of them, said WAFA.

Also on Saturday evening, settlers set fire to a vehicle belonging to Ahmad Hussein Abu Mohsen, and destroyed the power station that supplies electricity to the residents of the Ein Ghazal community in the northern Jordan Valley, north-east of the West Bank.

Various areas in the Jordan Valley witnessed a wave of attacks by Jewish settlers, including the burning of homes and vehicles, said WAFA.

Ambulance Attacked

The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said Israeli forces attacked an ambulance on Saturday and smashed the vehicle’s windows in the town of Duma, in the Nablus district.

On Sunday morning, Israeli occupation forces blocked the entrances to the village of Al-Mughayir, northeast of Ramallah, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.

Jihad Abu Aliyah, 25, was shot and killed by live ammunition fired at his home when settlers stormed Al-Mughayir on Friday night. Around 25 Palestinians were injured in that attack. Settlers also fired at a PRCS ambulance on its way to the town.

Earlier on Saturday, six residents of the town were injured by live ammunition, one critically in the head, in an attack by settlers on the village. The assailants also set fire to several homes and vehicles and burned a firefighting vehicle en route to extinguish the flames.

Shepherds Attacked

Settlers also attacked shepherds in the Khalila area near the village on Sunday, pelting them with stones.

The main entrances to the towns of Turmus Aya and Sinjil, located northeast of Ramallah were also closed off by Israeli forces on Sunday morning.

According to the official Resistance News Network on Sunday, resistance fighters opened fire on the Jamaleh military checkpoint as well as the Shaked checkpoint near Jenin.

A statement by the Salfit Brigade resistance group also said a female soldier was shot at the entrance to the town of Sinjil on Saturday.

Hamas Call to PA

The Palestinian Resistance movement Hamas on Saturday called on the Palestinian Authority and its security forces to protect Palestinian people amid the escalation of settler violence in the West Bank.

In a statement, Hamas said that “the escalation of frenzied attacks carried out by the settler militias (…) are war crimes committed by the Zionist enemy”.

Hamas Calls on PA to ‘Protect Our People’ amid Settlers’ Rampage in West Bank

The statement also called on the PA and its security forces to “practice their role entrusted to them, to protect our people suffering under the weight of daily raids and invasions, operations of killing and arrests, and daily crimes of the settlers”.

Total Deaths

WAFA reported that according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, hospitals in the West Bank have treated more than 55 injuries, ten of which were serious, most of them from live bullets in the recent escalation. This is in addition to dozens of injuries treated by ambulance crews at the scene.

More than 463 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces and settlers’ gunfire in the occupied West Bank since October 7, according to the ministry, the report added.


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