The Group of 77 and China meeting in New York on Thursday on the sideline of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly session unanimously named Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas as chairman, replacing Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the current chairman.
The representatives of 134 countries, representing 80% of the world’s population, named the State of Palestine as chairman of the Group of 77 and China during the 42nd meeting of the group’s foreign ministers and will take over the presidency of the group on January 1, 2019.
Palestine starts chairmanship of Group of 77 and China in 2019 https://t.co/nGYPDavrGF pic.twitter.com/Goe4aV9vwX
— Ahram Online (@ahramonline) September 27, 2018
The State of Palestine, while presiding over the group of 134 countries, will take over the presidency of the group and negotiate with the other partners and member states of the organization on all the developmental, humanitarian and legal issues on the agenda of the United Nations 2019.
#Palestine President Abbas unanimously named chairman of the Group of 77 and China at the #UNGA https://t.co/dVgD8pTBh3
— Palestine (@OccuPalGaza) September 28, 2018
The issues include matters such as climate change, the final document of the Financing for Development Forum, as well as the Ministerial Declaration of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 and China, including reforming the United Nations development system and the numerous annual forums such as the United Nations Forum on Forests as well as the specialized committees such as the United Nations Commission on Women, the United Nations Committee on Statisticians.
Growing significance of the cause of Palestine internationally as State of #Palestine has just been elected the head of the Group of 77 and China #UNGA2018 #UNGA
— Palestine in UK (@PalMissionUK) September 27, 2018
Palestine is supposed to lead the efforts of the Group of 77 and China both in presenting the group’s point of view in the topics discussed or in reaching the best results while negotiating outputs related to these topics.
Additionally, Palestine will continue to work for ensuring the implementation of the 17 internationally agreed on development goals, most importantly the fight against poverty, as millions of people around the world are living below the poverty line, in order to achieve sustainable development.
(Ma’an, PC, Social Media)