By Palestine Chronicle Staff
The 2018 United Nations Security Council election will be held next June and Israel plans to run as a non-permanent member.
El ministro palestino de Asuntos Exteriores, Riad al Maliki, aseguró este jueves que su país cuenta con suficiente apoyo para bloquear la pretensión de Israel de ser miembro permanente del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) durante las… https://t.co/xMdiGZldHF
— Miguel Angel Fernánd (@miguelin_74) April 26, 2018
The Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Riad al Maliki, said on Thursday that his country has enough support to block Israel’s access:
“We will defeat Israel and we can guarantee that Israel will never become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.”
#WebduniaCheck The European Union and UN chief Antonio Guterres have called for an independent investigation into the deaths, but Israel has rejected ithttps://t.co/IGyYsLgRgE
— Webdunia Check (@WebduniaCheck) April 21, 2018
Maliki also mentioned the letters written to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, urging intervention to stop the use of lethal force against Palestinian protesters in the occupied Gaza Strip.
Get an vomiting ?╱
❝#US ‘complicit in Israel’s occupation’
The US has blocked a draft statement by the UN Security Council that called for an investigation into the killing of 17 unarmed Palestinian protesters near the #Gaza Strip‘s eastern border.https://t.co/q7hquFAUnn pic.twitter.com/FA1yMBhEER
— KAKAPO➤Endangered (@178kakapo) April 26, 2018
According to Maliki, the United States blocked two draft statements by the UN Security Council, that called for an investigation into the killing of unarmed Palestinian protesters at the Gaza border, despite the support of the other 14 members.
(PC, Social Media)
If Palestina does not Act on 14-5-2018 Jerusalem and Palestina will lost forever! You should go fight Armed!!! This is the last chance VOOR Palestina!
God grant me SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, COURAGE to change the things I can, AND WISDOM to know the difference. Palestinian’s standing United, Fearless & Peacefully unarmed at the Gaza border is a strong statement to the world & your enemies that together you will hold strong and invincible. Bring out the weapons at the moment and Israel predictably will use war planes & bomb creating a huge massacre to their satisfaction. This Gaza protest has highlighted your friends & your foe. As circumstances change then actions can change. 4 EVERYONE IT IS ALWAYS WISE TO HAVE A BACKUP PLAN. Old saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.