Morocco Stresses that Defending Palestine is Responsibility of all Arabs

Abdelilah Benkirane of Morocco says Arabs must stand with Palestine. (Photo: via MEMO)

Abdelilah Benkirane, head of the Moroccan government stated on Sunday that defending Palestine and Islamic holy sites is the “responsibility of all Arabs and Muslims, not only the Palestinians alone”.

Benkirane told Quds Press: “I feel shameful whenever I speak about Palestine because they alone are paying the cost of existing around the oppressive entity [Israel].” He said that Arabs and Muslims should stop the ongoing wars and bloodshed.

Benkirane added that: “Palestine is an Islamic and Arabic land and its holy sites belong to all Arabs and Muslims. Therefore, Palestinians must not bear all the burden of defending it.”

In expressing the need for Arab countries to work together, he stated, “I am convinced that we must not fight each other.” He continued that, “The Ummah [Muslim nation] with its rulers and ruled alike must sort out its problems and come together and live in peace with some patience.”

Benkirane concluded that in order for unity among Arabs to take place, “all have to review their positions, repent and be merciful towards each other mainly before the start of Ramadan.”


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1 Comment

  1. Now that Abdelilah Benkirane spoke up unfavorably of Israel, his country will soon be in turmoil courtesy Israel.

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