Renowned British actress Miriam Margolyes, who played Professor Sprout in the immensely popular ‘Harry Potter’ saga, declared her support for Emma Watson’s recent stand on Palestine in a conversation with Palestine Deep Dive on Friday.
The BAFTA-winning actress, who has been a supporter of the anti-apartheid movement since her university years, told PDD: “I totally support Emma Watson’s recent remarks on Palestine. All decent people should too.”
"As a wise old wizard named Albus Dumbledore once reminded Harry Potter, “Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy” with that in mind, who will be next to stand up & support Palestine?"
— Palestine Deep Dive (@PDeepdive) January 8, 2022
On January 3, British actress and human rights activist, Emma Watson, had expressed her solidarity with the Palestinian people via a post on her Instagram official page. The image she shared showed a photo of a pro-Palestinian protest with the banner ‘Solidarity is a verb’, accompanied by a quote from Australian scholar Sara Ahmed.
"Solidarity is a verb"
English actress and activist Emma Watson using her massive platform on Instagram to express her solidarity with the Palestinian people, posting photo from a solidarity protest with Palestine on May 12, 2021.#FreePalestine
— PALESTINE ONLINE ?? (@OnlinePalEng) January 3, 2022
“The Israeli treatment of Palestinians is disgraceful. Anti-semitism is not at issue,” Margolyes, who was born to a secular Jewish family in Oxford, said, adding: “What matters is opposing cruelty, speaking out for compassion.”
“Criticizing Israel is not in itself, an anti-Semitic stance. Conflating the two is a form of disguised censorship,” she concluded.
(The Palestine Chronicle)