Likud Activist: Obama Regime is Anti-Semitic

A Likud activist has accused US President Barack Obama of being anti-Semitic for his repeated calls for a settlement freeze in the West Bank.

About 200 Likud activists attended a meeting on Saturday to express their objection to a temporary settlement freeze announced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Beit Ariyeh local authority head, Avi Naim, slammed the US administration for exerting pressure on Netanyahu.

"The Obama regime is anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic; it’s the worst," Ynet news quoted Naim as saying.

Pro-settlement leader Ron Nachman was also critical of Obama over his support for Netanyahu’s decision.

Netanyahu on Wednesday declared a 10-month moratorium on Israel’s settlement activity in the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem Al-Quds.

(Press TV)