Israel closed airspace over the occupied Golan Heights on Saturday in the wake of a US-led airstrike in Syria, according to Israeli media.
You won't see this reported in the MSM. John Bolton worked closely with Israel to coordinate attack on Syria. More proof if proof were needed that John Bolton is working for Israel. https://t.co/TPDhs9h3cW
— Susie Snowflake (@palestininianpr) April 15, 2018
Airlines were told that they would not be allowed to fly in the area at altitude over 5,000 feet, the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth reported.
If we just bombed “Chemical weapons factories” in Syria: 1) why was the existence of such “factories” never reported before – to the UN, the OPCW or the public? 2) Why are there not dead people from the chemicals thus dispersed for a thousand miles ( including in Israel)?
— George Galloway (@georgegalloway) April 15, 2018
According to the newspaper, the airspace over the Golan Heights will remain closed until the end of the month.
Pretty incredible how one of the last holdouts of Islamic State people in Syria that isn't a useless stretch of desert is directly adjacent to territory Israel controls. pic.twitter.com/V6b7aenmwY
— Viruskrieg Loki (@LokiJulianus) April 15, 2018
On Saturday, the US, France and Britain launched airstrikes against Syrian regime’s chemical sites in the wake of a suspected chemical attack that killed dozens outside the capital Damascus.
While the United States, Britain & France trample on international law, israel is getting away with murder #BDS https://t.co/bdMUQApHOE
— Sarah Wilkinson (@swilkinsonbc) April 15, 2018
Israeli military sources told Radio Israel that Tel Aviv did not take part in the US-led attacks.
Israel fears Trump may see job as done in Syria, leave Israel alone to face Iran https://t.co/sQEK0UtNVw pic.twitter.com/H2CpnCTgcv
— The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) April 14, 2018
Israel has occupied most of the Syrian Golan Heights since the 1967 Middle East War.
(MEMO, PC, Social Media)
Trump less than 10 days ago gave an open live speech at Ohio…was on AMN news for everyone to listen to in the World. “I definitely want to bring the USA troops home from Syria >>> it will happen soon.” “We don’t even have enough to build schools in Ohio.” Saudi Arabia wants us to stay in Syria… they will have to pay for us to stay.