I Wish

By Nadeem Fayaz

I wish I could take to the streets with a million men behind me
Chanting words of freedom, peace and honesty
Be the image that defines our generation, the event that changed history
Those British that marched in the name of humanity
Be the living revolution from these shores far from the siege
But changing the lives of those children far from at ease
I wish I could take to the streets with a million men behind me
And tell those world leaders, ‘the revolution has started’
They will quiver on their thrones and behind their bold statements we will know
What they are most frightened of is us, for they will speak amongst themselves
"The people have spoken, the people have taken to the streets!"
And there are a million more behind them
No more settlements, no more wall, ‘free my people’ is the call
The image that defines our generation, the event that changed history
Those British that marched in the name of humanity
I wish I could take to the streets with a million men behind me
And a million more ahead of me
I wish

– Nadeem Fayaz contributed this article to PalestineChronicle.com.