‘Hamas Will Remain’ – Hagari Strikes again, and Netanyahu Reacts

Israeli army spokesperson Daniel Hagari. (Photo: via Al-Jazeera Arabic)

Netanyahu on Tuesday slammed army spokesman Hagari for saying that Hamas will continue to exist in the Gaza Strip for the next five years.

The conflict between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the country’s military is worsening, and once more, Israeli army Daniel Hagari is at the heart of the conflict. 

Though for months, Hagari’s language about war achievements in Gaza was consistent with similar claims made by the prime minister’s office, recent weeks have witnessed clear contradictions between the political and military narratives.  

Israel Assesses Hamas – Resistance Roundup – Day 276

Netanyahu on Tuesday slammed army spokesman Hagari for saying that Hamas will continue to exist in the Gaza Strip for the next five years, local media reported yesterday.

Earlier in the day, Hagari said, in an interview with the American ABC network, that “Israel is planning a long war against Hamas,” adding that he believes Hamas will remain in Gaza for the next five years.

“Will you and me be talking five years from now about Hamas as a terror organization in Gaza?” Hagari asked the host, then continued: “The answer is yes.”

According to reports by Israel’s Channel 14, Netanyahu attacked the army spokesman in closed talks, saying: “There are also members of Hamas in the West Bank, but there is no Hamas rule. There are neo-Nazis in Germany, but there is no Nazi rule.”

Israel Assesses Hamas – Resistance Roundup – Day 276

Netanyahu claimed that “Israel will eliminate Hamas’s rule and will not allow it to control the Gaza Strip again and threaten Israel from there.”

Since the beginning of the devastating Israeli war on the Gaza Strip on 7 October, the Israeli prime minister has set “the destruction of Hamas” as one of the war’s goals, although many Israeli military analysts and observers doubt the possibility of achieving this.

Hagari had previously caused an uproar when, on 19 June, he told Israel’s Channel 13 that “Hamas is an idea, Hamas is a party. It’s rooted in the hearts of the people — anyone who thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong.”

“To say that we are going to make Hamas disappear is to throw sand in people’s eyes,” he continued.


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  1. Hagari needs to arrest and detain Netanyahu, and send him to the ICJ. Why wait til December? so he can murder more children? While you’re at it, bring Gvir.

  2. No matter who the Palestinians vote FOR, they are demonized by lunatics and branded terrorists. Its called projection and it seems quite popular..
    1)Total Nonviolent Noncoopeeration Confrontation with the occupiers
    2)Return of all willing refugees and descendants
    3) One Person-One Vote
    4) From the river to the sea
    Any Questions?

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