Hamas Representative Meets with Iranian Officials in Beirut

Hamas representative, Ali Baraka, at the Iranian Embassy in Beirut. (Photo: via Ma'an)

Hamas representative in Lebanon, Ali Baraka, welcomed a diplomatic delegation from Iran at the Iranian Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon.

Mohammad Majedi, the head consul at the Iranian Embassy and the head of the department of political relations, attended the meeting where leaders discussed the Palestinian cause and Hamas-Iranian relations.

During the meeting, Baraka emphasized the need to reinforce relations with Iran in order to support Palestinian resistance against the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip, Israeli raids on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and Israeli settlement activity in the occupied West Bank.

The Iranian delegation reportedly agreed with Baraka on the need to unify Muslims to face the “Zionist danger” imposed on Palestine, while Majedi confirmed Iranian support for the Palestinian people and their resistance against the Israeli occupation.

Iran has provided long-term funding to the Hamas movement, the de-facto leaders of the besieged Gaza Strip. However, diplomatic relations took a negative turn in 2012 after Hamas publicly supported the rebels in Syria against the Iranian-backed Bashar Assad regime.

Over the past year, the Hamas leadership has made active strides to mend the group’s diplomatic ties with Iran.