Hamas: Israeli Attempts to Divide Al-Aqsa Mosque are ‘Provocative’, Unacceptable

Israeli troops attack Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. (Photo: via ActiveStills)

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement insisted on Wednesday that Israeli attempts to impose spatial and temporal divisions on Al-Aqsa Mosque are “provocative” and unacceptable, the Middle East Monitor reported.

Regular incursions by illegal Jewish settlers at the Noble Sanctuary of Al-Aqsa are a part of planned attempts to divide the Islamic holy sites, Hamas told the media.

“We, along with our people, will do our best to protect the Islamic and Arabic identity of Al-Aqsa Mosque,” said the movement, warning the Israeli occupation authorities that they must take “full responsibility for provocative and dangerous measures”, such as the sponsoring of settler aggression at the holy site.

Hamas called for Palestinians to gather and stay at Al-Aqsa to protect the integrity of the mosque and undermine the “dirty” Israeli plans.

It also called for Arabs and Muslims around the world to increase their support and solidarity for the Palestinian people, especially those who protect Al-Aqsa Mosque on their behalf.

“It is time for the international community to end its double standards when dealing with the Palestinian people and their legitimate cause,” added the resistance movement.

“The crimes of the Israeli occupation must be reined in. Allowing Israel to act with impunity must stop.”

Since the start of the Jewish Passover holiday last Friday, Jewish Israeli settlers, protected by the Israeli occupation forces, have been raiding Al-Aqsa Mosque on a daily basis. The mosque is the third holiest place in Islam.

(MEMO, PC, Social Media)