Greenblatt: Bahrain Workshop is ‘Not about Buying Palestinians off’

Former US Special Envoy to the Midle East, Jason Greenblatt. (Photo: via MEMO)

US Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt has stated that next week’s Bahrain economic workshop is the first part of the United State’s peace plan known as ‘Deal of the Century.’

Greenblatt has also emphasized to the Israeli news agency i24NEWS that the workshop will be considered as ‘apolitical’, due to the Palestinian Authority’s decision to boycott the conference.

Subsequently, no Israeli government officials would be invited nor any other foreign leaders or ministers.

He told i24NEWS:

“Without the Palestinian Authority there, having the Israeli government there makes it more political.”

However, he added that Israeli business people would be represented there.

The Middle East envoy reiterated that it was a “huge missed opportunity” for the Palestinians not to attend, but said the current focus is on attracting investors and looking for donors to build up the Palestinian economy while garnering feedback.

“This is not just an economic peace. It is not about buying Palestinians off,” he said, adding that the second phase of the peace plan would deal with the political issues.

(Ma’an, PC, Social Media)