Global Appeal for Stories of Palestinian Displacement

BADIL is delighted to announce the launch of the new ‘Ongoing Nakba Education Center’ (ONEC) website –

The participatory website uses multi-media tools to build a significant advocacy resource relating to the historic and ongoing displacement of the Palestinian people. The website is already online in both English and Arabic, although it is constantly being updated and developed with new tools. In this regard, BADIL is launching an international call to Palestinians everywhere, and to non-Palestinians working to support the dissemination of stories of Palestinian displacement.

We are seeking multi-media tools such as photographs, short films, or audio recordings through which stories of Palestinian displacement are told. These tools can relate to any period of Palestinian history and can be in either English or Arabic.

These tools may include photo stories of demolitions or mass displacements, oral history audio recordings or interviews with or by displaced people, short films about an issue or area of displacement, or any other related multi-media productions.

This call may be particularly relevant to photographers, film-makers, journalists, oral history programs, academics, or activists working around these issues, but this call is not limited to professionals in these areas. We are not only seeking finished professional productions, or materials made with professional equipment. Raw collections of photographs, unedited film or audio can also be very valuable to the project and BADIL’s experienced team will work to turn raw materials into strong edited advocacy tools about displacement. In all cases, people contributing materials will be credited for their work.

If you are have any potential multi-media advocacy tools, or are interested in producing some, please contact BADIL for further information on the below email:

– Visit: