GAZA LIVE BLOG: Israel Losing in Northern Gaza | Hamas Popularity Triples | US-Israel Rifts Widens | India Votes for Ceasefire | DAY 68

Heavy rain worsens condition for Palestinian refugees. (Photo: via QNN)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

The Israeli army has admitted that ten its soldiers – mostly officers – were killed in a Palestinian Resistance ambush in northern Gaza last night. They include a division Golani commander.

Meanwhile, Palestinian hospitals have reported that hundreds of Palestinians have been killed or wounded in the latest Israeli massacres of civilians throughout the Gaza Strip.

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Thursday, December 14, 08:25 am (GMT+3)

PALESTINIAN MEDIA: Several Palestinians killed, and others wounded in Israeli strikes targeting a residential neighborhood in Jabaliya, in the northern Gaza Strip.

ISRAELI ARMY: An officer was killed, and another seriously wounded in fighting in southern Gaza.

SOROKA HOSPITAL (Cited in Israeli media): 19 wounded Israeli soldiers arrived at the hospital in the past 24 hours.

Secret of Shejaiya – The ‘Brave’ Gaza Neighborhood that Israel Cannot Break

Thursday, December 14, 03:45 am (GMT+3)

NBC NEWS (Citing US Official): Washington would not currently impose any additional restrictions on its military assistance to Israel. The official explained that President Joe Biden believes his administration’s approach to security assistance to Israel is working and yielding results.

Thursday, December 14, 02:10 am (GMT+3)

RED CRESCENT: Three Palestinian youth killed as a result of Israeli shelling targeting the eastern neighborhood of Jenin, in the northern West Bank.

AL-JAZEERA: 27 Palestinians were killed in Israeli shelling that targeted two houses near the al-Dukhni junction in central Rafah, in southern Gaza.

PALESTINE CHRONICLE: India voted in favor of a resolution put before Tuesday’s United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The vote is considered a major shift in the South Asian country’s approach to the conflict there.

PALESTINE CHRONICLE: A new poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research shows that support for Hamas has more than tripled in the occupied West Bank compared to three months ago.

This is What Palestinians in West Bank, Gaza Think of War, Hamas, Abbas – New Poll

Thursday, December 14, 00:45 am (GMT+3)

PALESTINIAN RED CRESCENT: The Palestinian Red Crescent announced the death of 3 young men as a result of an Israeli bombing that targeted the eastern neighborhood of the city of Jenin.

Wednesday, December 13, 11:00 pm (GMT+3)


An Israeli raid targeted the city of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

Four dead Palestinians and several injuries arrived at Kuwait Hospital in the targeting of a house belonging to the Abu Matar family near the Al-Dakhni Junction in central Rafah.

13 Palestinians were killed and several injured as a result of Israeli raids on two homes in Rafah.

The death toll from the targeting of two homes in Rafah Governorate has risen to 19.

An Israeli air strike targets the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip.

Israeli aircraft target two houses in the Al-Sahaba area in the Daraj neighborhood in Gaza CityInjuries were reported in the bombing of an apartment inside Al-Salhi Towers in the vicinity of the Al-Ahly Club in the Nuseirat Camp in the central Gaza Strip.

Six people were killed and dozens injured in an Israeli bombing of a school housing displaced people in the Sheikh Radwan area in Gaza City.

Several Palestinians were killed in an Israeli bombing that targeted a house for the Karira family in the Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City.

Wednesday, December 13, 10:30 pm (GMT+3)

UNRWA: UNRWA announces the death of 228 Palestinians as the occupation bombed its shelters in Gaza.

FINANCIAL TIMES: The strategy of the American support to Netanyahu’s government has limits, but the time has not come to say enough is enough.

AXIOS: The Biden administration once again suspends the license to sell more than 20,000 American-made rifles to Israel. The suspension of the license to sell rifles to Israel came due to fears of settler attacks in the West Bank.

WSJ (citing Israeli military personnel): The battle strategy we are waging in Gaza is not the best. There is criticism within the army that the fighting is not going well. We have to fight in a way that is safer for our soldiers, with tanks and planes. The high number of deaths in the Israeli army is due to a change in tactics in the fighting.

KIRBY: Any change in the Netanyahu government will be determined by the Israeli people

Wednesday, December 13, 9:30 pm (GMT+3)

ISRAELI ARMY SPOKESMAN: We are working with large forces in Gaza. The Golani Brigade is now fighting in Shejaiya, and there is an investigation into what happened. We have several methods we are testing for handling tunnels and will not reveal the details.

LAPID: Our soldiers are being killed every day and Netanyahu continues to lie.

ISRAELI CHANNEL 13: Disagreements within the Israeli War Council.

GALLANT: There are costs to this war, but we will win.

ISRAELI HOSPITAL: We admitted 23 wounded soldiers, two of whom are in serious condition.

Wednesday, December 13, 8:30 pm (GMT+3)

US STATE DEPARTMENT: We do not want this war to continue for one day longer than is necessary.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on one of the commanders of the military divisions in the Gaza Strip to fight until the last soldier to “destroy Hamas.”


Any arrangements in Gaza without Hamas and the resistance factions are an illusion and a mirage.

Our people and our resistance continue to present a bright image of struggle and legendary steadfastness.

ISRAELI AMBASSADOR TO UK: It is time for the world to realize that the Oslo equation failed on October 7.

Wednesday, December 13, 7:35 pm (GMT+3)


Israel has lost the information war.

Israel has so far attacked 25,000 targets in the Gaza Strip from the air, sea, and land.

US intelligence community agrees that the number of Palestinians killed “is consistent with the statistics of the Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip.”

NETANYAHU: We will continue the war and international pressure will not stop us.

UNRWA: Our ability to provide services in Gaza is “on the verge of collapse”.

EURO-MED MONITOR: We documented the establishment of more than 120 random mass graves in the governorates of the Gaza Strip to bury those killed in the Israeli aggression on Gaza since last October 7.

ISRAELI FM: Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen confirmed that the war in the Gaza Strip will continue “with or without international support.”

Wednesday, December 13, 6:40 pm (GMT+3)


Targeting a house for the Abu Dabaa family next to Al-Dukhani roundabout in the Rafah governorate, south of the Gaza Strip.

Injuries in the occupation bombing of Al-Misbah Al-Munir Mosque in Jabaliya, north of the Gaza Strip.

An Israeli raid targets a target in the city of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

The killings of journalists Ahmed Abu Absa and Hanan Ayyad, as a result of the Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip, bring the number of journalists murdered since the beginning of the war to 89.

ISRAELI CHIEF OF STAFF HALEVI: Israeli Chief of Staff Herzi Halevy said, “What happened yesterday in Shejaiya was a difficult event,” referring to the killing of at least eight soldiers – including a battalion commander – in a clash and ambush set up by the Al-Qassam Brigades.

US TREASURE SECRETARY: The global economy may be affected if the war expands.

ISLAMIC JIHAD: “The enemy’s crimes in the West Bank camps and cities are a desperate attempt to compensate for his losses in the Gaza Strip. Prolonging the aggression will cause the enemy more losses among its soldiers.”

HAMAS: Hamas condemned the announcement by the administration of US President Joe Biden and the British government to impose sanctions on leading figures and cadres in the movement.

Wednesday, December 13, 5:40 pm (GMT+3)

AL-JAZEERA: Fragments of missile interceptors hit a commercial complex in Ashdod.

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: Our targeted two Merkava tanks of the occupation in the Beit Lahia project in the northern Gaza Strip with Yassin-105 missiles.

LAPID: Netanyahu “has not learned anything since last October 7, and he cannot continue to lead the country. Lapid added that Netanyahu “works to lie, incite, and create hatred, while our soldiers are killed every day in the midst of a bitter war.”

AL-JAZEERA: Israeli raid targeted a house in the town of Yater in the central sector of southern Lebanon.

Wednesday, December 13, 5:00 pm (GMT+3)

PALESTINIAN CENTER FOR POLICY AND SURVEY RESEARCH: Support for Hamas among Palestinians is high, even in the devastated Gaza Strip. The war increases Hamas’s popularity and weakens the position of the Authority and its leadership. About 90% of Palestinians believe that Mahmoud Abbas should resign.

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: We targeted field command rooms of the occupation army in the southern axis of Gaza City with short-range missiles.

Wednesday, December 13, 4:00 pm (GMT+3)

GAZA HEALTH MINISTRY: 18,608 Palestinians have been killed and more than 50,594 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7.


Israeli occupation forces opened fire at a number of medical staff at Kamal Adwan Hospital

The AL-Ahli Baptist Hospital is full and cannot provide any medical service

There is no medical service in northern Gaza

Hundreds of wounded need medical services and we are unable to provide them

Israeli occupation controls the amount of medical aid that can access the Strip and the exit of patients for treatment abroad.

GAZA HEALTH MINISTRY: 196 Palestinians were killed and 499 were wounded as a result of the Israeli occupation army’s bombing of several areas in the Gaza Strip.

HEZBOLLAH: We targeted the Shomera Barracks “with appropriate weapons and achieved a direct hit.”

AL-JAZEERA: Israeli artillery shelling targeted the vicinity of the towns of Khiam and Aita al-Shaab in southern Lebanon.

AL-JAZEERA: A Palestinian child was killed and several civilians were wounded in an Israeli bombing of Khan Yunis.

GAZA HEALTH MINISTRY: Israeli arrests hospital directors and tortures them

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: Our fighters completely destroyed a Zionist personnel carrier east of the city of Khan Yunis with a B-29 shell.

ISRAELI ARMY RADIO: Israeli Army Radio said that the war council will be held tonight in Tel Aviv, ahead of the visit of US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

Wednesday, December 13, 3:00 pm (GMT+3)

AL-JAZEERA: Israeli raid targeted the vicinity of the town of Kfar Shuba in the eastern sector of southern Lebanon.

BRITISH GOVERNMENT: London and Washington are targeting the leaders and financiers of Hamas and Islamic Jihad with new sanctions.

GAZA GOVERNMENT MEDIA OFFICE: Gaza needs a thousand aid trucks every day

ISRAELI ARMY RADIO: Several rockets were fired from Lebanon and landed in open areas near Ras Naqoura in northern Israel.

JERUSALEM POST: Left-wing Israeli organizations submitted a letter to US President Joe Biden asking him to encourage Israel to stop military operations in Gaza.

NETANYAHU’S SPOKESMAN: The call for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip serves the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Israel will not allow it now.

Wednesday, December 13, 2:10 pm (GMT+3)

AL-JAZEERA: Several Palestinians were killed and wounded in an Israeli bombing that targeted Al Daraj School, affiliated with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), east of Gaza City.

ISRAELI ARMY: Four soldiers were injured as a result of explosive devices and gunfire from Palestinian militants, during the storming of the city of Jenin and its camp.

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: Together with the Al-Quds Brigades, we were able to trap 15 soldiers in a tight ambush in central Gaza, which included clashes at zero range, leaving the occupation soldiers dead and wounded.

ISRAELI ARMY: 21 soldiers were wounded in the Gaza battles during the past 24 hours.

AL-JAZEERA: Israeli raids targeted a number of areas east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip.

CNN (quoting US officials): There are no American red lines regarding transferring weapons to Israel.

GANTZ: Israeli War Council member Benny Gantz said that the second phase of the “war of survival” is inflicting a heavy, painful and difficult price on Israel.

Wednesday, December 13, 12:40 pm (GMT+3)

ISRAELI ARMY: The Golani Brigade is engaged in fierce fighting in the Shejaiya neighborhood, above and below ground.

UN OFFICIAL: The health system in Gaza has collapsed

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: We targeted 7 tanks and two troop carriers with Al-Yassin 105 shells and strobe charges.

AL-QUDS BRIGADES: Our fighters targeted 3 Israeli vehicles and a troop carrier with tandem shells and explosive devices in the Jabaliya camp and the Al-Tawam area, north of Gaza.

AL-JAZEERA: A child was killed by a bullet in her head fired by an Israeli drone at a shelter center in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

GAZA HEALTH MINISTRY: North Gaza has no medical services at all.

AL-JAZEERA: Several Palestinians were killed and wounded in an Israeli bombing on the Abu Hussein School, affiliated with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), which houses displaced persons in the Jabaliya camp in the northern Gaza Strip.


The Mujahideen of the Qassam Brigades are fulfilling their promise to make Gaza a cemetery for the invaders.

The occupation army’s announcement of the killing of 10, most of them officers, confirms the extent of the loss and failure of the entity’s leaders and its army to confront the strength of the resistance.

Wednesday, December 13, 11:00 am (GMT+3)

AP: The Associated Press said that the Yemeni Armed Forces (affiliated with the Ansarallah group) targeted an oil tanker flying the flag of the Marshall Islands, coming from India and heading towards the Suez Canal, with an armed crew on board.

LAVROV: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that his country will not agree to a settlement in the Middle East that affects Israel’s security and does not provide for the establishment of a Palestinian state. He added that the Israeli methods against the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) that cause civilian suffering cannot be accepted.

AL-JAZEERA: Two Palestinians were killed in an Israeli raid on a house in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

GAZA HEALTH MINISTRY: Children’s vaccinations have completely run out in Gaza.

GAZA GOVERNMENT MEDIA OFFICE: A journalist was killed in an Israeli bombing of Gaza bringing the number of journalists murdered by Israel since the beginning of the war to 87.

Wednesday, December 13, 10:00 am (GMT+3)

AL-JAZEERA (citing medical source): More than 40 dead Palestinians, including 10 children, arrived at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip during the past 24 hours.

ISRAELI ARMY: The Israeli army announced the killing of two additional soldiers, one of whom was a commander in the Yiftah Brigade with the rank of colonel, in the battles of Shejaiya in the Gaza Strip.

AL-QUDS BRIGADES: we bombed military crowds and Israeli soldiers with mortar shells in the vicinity of Al-Zalal Mosque in the Al-Taqadum axis, east of Khan Yunis.

BRITISH MARITIME TRADE: We received a report of an accident near Yemen.

AL-JAZEERA: Palestinian resistance launched new batches of missiles towards the settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip.

AL-JAZEERA: An Israeli bombing targeted a house in the city of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, resulting in the death of a Palestinian and the injury of others.

Wednesday, December 13, 8:45 am (GMT+3)

QASSAM BRIGADES: We targeted a Merkava tank in the Maan area of Khan Yunis with an Al-Yassin 105 shell, blowing it up in the process.

ISRAELI ARMY: Eight, mostly officers, were killed during the fighting last night in the northern Gaza Strip. The dead include a division commander in the Golani Brigade. They were killed in an ambush by the Al-Qassam Brigades in Shejaiya in Gaza.

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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