GAZA LIVE BLOG: Israel Kills Two Captives | G7 Condemns Settler Violence | More Lebanese Rockets | Israel’s PTSD Crisis – Day 252

Israel continues to carry out massacres against Palestinian civilians in Gaza.(Photo: Mahmoud Ajjour, Palestine Chronicle)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Israeli forces continued to bomb several areas throughout Gaza, targeting civilian homes in Al-Bureji camp, in the central Strip.

Two women were killed in southern Lebanon as a result of Israeli bombings while 20 people were injured.

Five anti-tank missiles were fired from Lebanon towards Israeli soldiers and farmers in Metulla.

According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, 37,266 Palestinians have been killed, and 85,102 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7.

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Saturday, June 15, 12:00 am (GMT +2)

PALESTINIAN MEDIA: Israeli occupation artillery targeted the vicinity of Al-Bastaat Market in the Al-Shejaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

CHANNEL 12 (citing informed sources): the Northern Front Command is preparing for a large-scale attack on Lebanon, and explained that the leadership is awaiting the decision of the political leadership.

Friday, June 14, 11:00 pm (GMT +2)

ISRAELI ARMY RADIO: A large fire had broken out near Kibbutz Ya’ron in the Galilee due to Lebanese Hezbollah missiles, and confirmed that the fire was threatening other towns.

ISLAMIC RESISTANCE IN IRAQ: The Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced a drone attack targeting the port of Haifa.

‘Deadly Serious’ – US Officials Say Battle with Ansarallah ‘Most Intense since WWII’

YEDIOTH AHRONOTH: 10 missiles were launched from Lebanon towards the town of Metulla in northern Israel.

ISRAELI CHANNEL 12 (citing Mayor of Medulla):

The Israeli government has lost the northern region and does not seem to care about it

More than 190 homes were damaged by the missiles, which constitute about 35% of the town’s homes

Hezbollah missiles led to massive destruction of infrastructure, streets, the electricity network, and agricultural areas

The fires that broke out as a result of the missiles reached several homes in the town

JERUSALEM POST: Thousands of Israeli soldiers suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Friday, June 14, 8:30 pm (GMT +2)

YEDIOTH AHRONOTH: Two missiles were launched from the Gaza Strip towards the Gaza envelope.

KAN (quoting Israeli security sources): Current estimates indicate that Israel needs a deal with Hamas in order for Hezbollah to stop its attacks on the northern front.

KAN: According to estimates, the Israeli operation in Rafah will end in two weeks.


We are united in support of the proposed agreement for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all captives.

We call on all parties to take all possible steps to protect civilian lives.

Israel must fully comply with international law in all circumstances.

AL-JAZEERA: Israeli occupation aircraft launched 3 raids on the town of Aitaroun and the vicinity of the town of Ramia in southern Lebanon.

Friday, June 14, 8:30 pm (GMT +2)

HEZBOLLAH: We bombed with missiles a gathering of Israeli occupation soldiers in Khallet Wardah and achieved a “direct hit,” noting that it bombed the Israeli Ramim barracks with missile weapons.

AL-JAZEERA: Several Palestinians were killed following an Israeli bombing on the Shaboura camp in the center of Rafah.

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: We blew up a house that had been pre-rigged with Israeli force, leaving its members “killed and wounded” east of the Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.

Friday, June 14, 7:30 pm (GMT +2)

UN OFFICIAL: We continue to call on the parties to ensure that aid reaches Gaza.

AL-JAZEERA: Sirens sounded again in Margaliot in the Upper Galilee due to the launching of missiles from Lebanon.

AXIOS: An American envoy will visit Israel to prevent the escalation with Hezbollah from turning into a comprehensive war.

ISRAELI ARMY RADIO: 60 rocket shells were fired from Lebanon today.

UN OFFICIAL: What I saw during my visit to Gaza was complete destruction of many areas.

AL-JAZEERA: Sirens sounded in the town of Metula in the Upper Galilee, northern Israel.

BEN-GVIR: The police chief and the judicial advisor are trying to obstruct my work.

‘We Need a Clear Position’ – Osama Hamdan on Ceasefire Talks

Friday, June 14, 6:30 pm (GMT +2)

AL-JAZEERA: Sirens were sounding in Shtula, northern Israel.

ASSOCIATED PRESS: The campaign against the Ansarallah is the most intense naval battle since World War II

US STATE DEPARTMENT: We included the Israeli extremist group Tsav 9 on the sanctions list.

ISRAELI ARMY: A soldier was injured as a result of being run over, west of Ramallah.

KAN: The Public Prosecution reveals that Minister Ben Gvir violated the law and interfered unacceptably in the work of the police force.

Friday, June 14, 5:30 pm (GMT +2)

US TREASURY: We imposed sanctions on the Israeli organization Tsav 9.

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: The occupation army killed two of its prisoners in an air strike on the city of Rafah a few days ago, noting that “the Israeli government does not want the prisoners to return except in coffins.”

GALLANT: We will not give France a role in discussions regarding security needs in Lebanon.

YEDIOTH AHRONOTH: Halevy is disturbed by the demands for his resignation.

HEZBOLLAH: We bombed a gathering of enemy soldiers in the vicinity of Horsh Baram.

Friday, June 14, 4:30 pm (GMT +2)

REUTERS (quoting US officials): Washington will impose sanctions on an Israeli group that attacked aid convoys to the Gaza Strip.

AL-JAZEERA: An Israeli raid targeted the town of Houla in southern Lebanon.

LLOYD AUSTIN: Israel must make efforts to reduce the number of civilian casualties.

Friday, June 14, 3:30 pm (GMT +2)

GAZA HEALTH MINISTRY: 37,266 Palestinians have been killed, and 85,102 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7.

HEZBOLLAH: We targeted Israeli enemy soldiers in the vicinity of the Ramtha site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with missiles.

DIRECTOR OF GAZA HEALTH MINISTRY: Goods and nutritional supplements for children have not entered the Strip for two months.

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: We bombed the enemy forces penetrating southwest of the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood in the city of Rafah with mortar shells.

Friday, June 14, 3:00 pm (GMT +2)

AL-JAZEERA: An Israeli bombing targeted the town of Al-Shouka, east of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, leaving two dead and others injured.

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: We targeted 3 Merkava tanks with “Al-Yassin 105” shells in Rafah.

MSF: A nurse from our team and her child were seriously injured.

HEZBOLLAH: We destroyed the spy systems at the Misgav Am site.

NYT: An investigation by the American newspaper The New York Times+ revealed that the Israeli army bombed a camp for displaced people in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, and later denied the presence of tents in the targeted area.

LIBERMAN: Extending reserve force service for an additional year is shameful

Friday, June 14, 2:00 pm (GMT +2)

GALLANT: Israel will not be a partner in a committee to resolve the security situation on the northern border if France participates in it, considering that Paris is adopting policies hostile to Israel.

MEDICAL SOURCES: 20 Palestinians were killed in Israeli raids on various areas in the Gaza Strip since dawn today.

ISRAELI ARMY RADIO: Severe damage to property and infrastructure as a result of 7 rockets falling in the Kiryat Shmona settlement.

CHANNEL 12: The army recommends to the political leadership to end the Rafah operation as soon as possible and advance the attack on Lebanon.

AL-JAZEERA: Three Palestinians were martyred in an Israeli bombing that targeted the Saudi neighborhood west of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

COMMANDER OF ISRAELI ARMY’S SOUTHERN COMMAND: The army will continue moving forward until their goals in Gaza are achieved.

Friday, June 14, 12:30 pm (GMT +2)

AL-QUDS BRIGADES: Our fighters targeted with anti-personnel lightning bombs the Israeli occupation army soldiers penetrating the center of the city of Rafah.

CHANNEL 12: A number of fires broke out in Galilee as a result of rockets fired from southern Lebanon.

PALESTINIAN MEDIA: A child was killed in an artillery shelling by Israeli vehicles penetrating the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City.

ISRAELI ARMY: 35 missiles were launched from Lebanon towards the Galilee panhandle.

DIRECTOR OF KAMAL ADWAN HOSPITAL: We recorded symptoms of malnutrition in more than 200 children in the Gaza Strip.

LEBANESE PM: Israel’s killing South Lebanon is a terrorist aggression, and the international community must put an end to its crimes.

AL-JAZEERA: Sirens sounded in Kiryat Shmona and its environs at the Galilee panhandle.

Friday, June 14, 11:00 am (GMT +2)

AL-JAZEERA: A child was killed as a result of malnutrition and dehydration in the northern Gaza Strip.

KAN: Damage to two homes in Metulla and a huge fire breaking out.

PALESTINIAN MEDIA: A person was killed in a bombing by Israeli gunboats near the port area, west of Khan Yunis.

HEZBOLLAH: We targeted a gathering of Israeli occupation army soldiers in Khallet Warda with missile weapons.

AL-JAZEERA: Since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, hospitals have been suffering from a shortage of blood units due to the high number of injured people.

Friday, June 14, 10:00 am (GMT +2)

AL-JAZEERA: 6 missiles were fired towards an Israeli site in the occupied Shebaa Farms in southern Lebanon.

Friday, June 14, 09:30 am (GMT +2)

ISRAEL HAYOM: Five anti-tank missiles were fired from Lebanon towards Israeli soldiers and farmers in Metulla, without injuries.

LEADER OF ISRAELI LABOR PARTY: It is impossible to free the detainees and destroy Hamas.

CHANNEL 12: A fire broke out in the Avivim settlement as a result of two anti-tank missiles fired from Lebanon.

MAARIV: Gantz’s party would obtain 24 seats in the Knesset if the elections were held today while the Likud party, led by Netanyahu, would win 21 seats.

LEBANESE CIVIL DEFENSE: A second woman was killed in the Israeli raid on the town of Janata in southern Lebanon, and it also confirmed that 20 civilians were injured.

Friday, June 14, 08:00 am (GMT +2)

ISLAMIC RESISTANCE IN IRAQ: Our fighters targeted – at dawn on Friday – the Israeli air base of Ramat David with drones.

AL-JAZEERA: Sirens sounded in the Kiryat Shmona settlement and its surroundings in the Hula Plain and Upper Galilee in northern Israel.

Friday, June 14, 07:00 am (GMT +2)

OSAMA HAMDAN (to CNN): If Washington acts positively and not just with Israel’s eyes, an agreement can be reached.

Friday, June 14, 05:00 am (GMT +2)

USAID: The humanitarian situation in Gaza is very bad and a ceasefire is necessary.

Friday, June 14, 4:30 am (GMT +2)

AL-JAZEERA: Israeli warplanes targeted a house near the entrance to Al-Bureij camp in the central Gaza Strip.

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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