GAZA LIVE BLOG: Israeli Forces Storm Al-Shifa Hospital with Thousands of Patients, Refugees Inside | DAY 39

Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza was under a tight Israeli military siege for days, before it was stormed by occupation soldiers. (Photo: Video grab, AJA)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Though Israel’s killing campaign in Gaza continues for the 39th day uninterrupted, Palestinians in the Strip are dying in other ways as well: premature babies at hospitals, cancer patients, among others. 

While The Washington Post reported that a ceasefire is impending, whole families perished in Khan Yunis and other parts of the besieged Strip.

The Israeli army has reportedly stormed the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, after placing the Strip’s largest medical center under siege for over five days. 

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Wednesday, November 15, 04:40 am (GMT+3)

GAZA HEALTH SOURCES (Cited by Al-Jazeera): Israeli army tanks have entered the grounds of the Al-Shifa medical center in Gaza City.

Wednesday, November 15, 04:20 am (GMT+3)

CNN (Citing Israeli miliary source): Israel army said it is carrying out a “precise and targeted operation” in Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. This comes as Israel officials have repeatedly alleged Hamas is storing weapons and operating a ‘command center’ from the hospital, a claim the White House backed on Tuesday and Palestinian hospital officials and Hamas have rejected.

Wednesday, November 15, 03:40 am (GMT+3)

GAZA HEALTH MINISTRY: Ashraf al-Qudra, spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Gaza said that there is nothing that calls for shooting inside the Al-Shifa Hospital because there is no form of Palestinian Resistance in it, and what the Israeli occupation is doing constitutes a form of terrorism aimed at doctors and patients.

Wednesday, November 15, 03:15 am (GMT+3)


Israeli forces storm Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza.

Israeli soldiers shoot inside corridors of hospital.

Hundreds of patients and thousands of displaced refugees are inside the hospital.

Incursion is taking place in the western side of the hospital.

Tanks and army bulldozers are spotted on hospital grounds.

HEAD OF BURN UNIT AT SHIFA (Cited by Al-Jazeera):

There are hundreds of patients at the Al-Shifa hospital, including around 100 in the urgent care unit.

There are over 1,000 doctors, nurses and other medical workers in the hospital.

There are thousands of displaced people living inside the hospital.

Wednesday, November 15, 12:20 am (GMT+3)

NYT: An investigation conducted by the New York Times showed that an Israeli army shell fell on the maternity ward building in the Al-Shifa Medical Complex, west of Gaza City.

Tuesday, November 14, 11:00 pm (GMT+3)

HAMAS TOP OFFICIAL BASEM NAEEM: The movement strongly denies all American allegations regarding hospitals in Gaza, after the White House and the Pentagon said that Hamas is using them to support its military operations.

YEMENI ARMED FORCES: The Yemeni Armed Forces issued a statement announcing that they fired ballistic missiles at Israeli targets in the Eilat region on the Red Sea.

GAZA HEALTH MINISTRY: Israeli military vehicles were encircling the Al-Shifa Medical Complex, west of Gaza City, from all directions, amid heavy gunfire and artillery shelling.

UNRWA COMMISSIONER LAZZARINI: It is not reasonable for us to beg for fuel.

Tuesday, November 14, 10:00 pm (GMT+3)

WHITE HOUSE: Washington echoes Israel’s claims regarding the Al-Shifa complex.

AL-JAZEERA: 13 martyrs in an Israeli bombing of a house in the Al-Saftawi area.

ISLAMIC JIHAD TOP OFFICIAL: Pressure will not lead to the release of a single Israeli prisoner.

US STATE DEPARTMENT: Washington supports the evacuation of Gaza hospitals through a “third party”.

GAZA HOSPITALS DIRECTOR: 120 bodies were buried in the Al-Shifa Hospital complex out of 190.

US STATE DEPARTMENT: The US State Department said that it is working to keep developments on negotiations regarding the release of detainees held by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) secret, so as ‘not to expose it to danger’.

ISRAELI ARMY: The Israeli army announced that its air defenses shot down a missile in the Gulf of Aqaba area before it reached Israel, after sirens sounded in the city of Eilat on the Red Sea.

AL JAZEERA: 5 Palestinians were killed as a result of an Israeli bombing that targeted a house in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

NETANYAHU: The northern front – bordering Lebanon – is witnessing an intense exchange of strikes, indicating that he has instructed the army to prepare for any scenario.

Tuesday, November 14, 8:30 pm (GMT+3)

UNITED NATIONS: All Gaza hospitals are out of service except one.

ICC CHIEF PROSECUTOR KARIM KHAN: Israel must realize that there is no “blank check” even in times of war.

AL-JAZEERA: Sirens sound in Eilat.

AL-QASSAM: The Al-Qassam Brigades announced that its fighters have managed, since Tuesday morning, to kill 9 Israeli soldiers and completely or partially destroy 22 tanks and vehicles.

CNN: Hamas and Israel are close to reaching an agreement to release detainees in the Gaza Strip in exchange for a temporary truce.

Tuesday, November 14, 7:05 pm (GMT+3)

WHITE HOUSE: An American envoy heads to the Middle East to discuss the issue of Israeli prisoners.

AL-JAZEERA: The Republican member of the US Senate, Senator Lindsey Graham, said that he would urge President Joe Biden to wage war on Iran if what he described as Tehran’s agents attack Israel.

GANTZ: Israeli War Council member Benny Gantz said that they are continuing the war and expanding military operations in the Gaza Strip until ‘we achieve the goal and return the kidnapped people’.

AL-QUDS BRIGADES: Our mujahideen are engaged in fierce clashes with enemy forces west of Beit Lahiya.

Tuesday, November 14, 6:15 pm (GMT+3)

BIDEN: I believe that the hostages in the Gaza Strip will be released, and I do not want to go into details.

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: We targeted a gathering of enemy forces in the south of Gaza City.

PALESTINIAN MEDICAL SOURCE: 22 Palestinians were killed as a result of a series of Israeli raids that targeted homes in Khan Yunis.

UNICEF: More than 4,600 children have been killed so far in the Gaza Strip.

ISRAELI MEDICAL SOURCE: The number of Israelis injured in Tel Aviv as a result of rockets fired from Gaza has risen to three.

Tuesday, November 14, 5:45 pm (GMT+3)

AL-JAZEERA: 3 Palestinians were killed and several others were wounded in Israeli raids that targeted two homes in Deir al-Balah and Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip.

ISRAELI AMBULANCE: An Israeli was seriously injured in Tel Aviv as a result of rockets from Gaza.

PALESTINIAN RED CRESCENT: Israeli attacks continue against our crews in the West Bank.

AL-JAZEERA: Two explosions were heard in Tel Aviv.

AL-JAZEERA: Sirens were sounding in the ‘Third Eye’, south of the Gaza envelope.

AL-JAZEERA: An Israeli airstrike targeted Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

UNRWA: The lack of fuel makes us unable to move in the Gaza Strip. We may resort to halting our operations in the Gaza Strip due to fuel shortages.

ISLAMIC JIHAD SECRETARY-GENERAL ZIYAD AL-NAKHALAH: “We will keep our prisoners for better conditions. The method of negotiations regarding the prisoners and the enemy’s reactions may push us to be outside the deal.”

AL-JAZEERA: Palestinians were killed and wounded in an Israeli artillery shelling that targeted the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, north of Gaza City.

AL-QUDS BRIGADES: We hit Israeli soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells southwest of Gaza.

Tuesday, November 14, 4:30 pm (GMT+3)

HAMAS TOP OFFICIAL OSAMA HAMDAN: We say to the occupation that the battle is still at its beginning and what is coming is greater.

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: We bombed the Ra’im military base with a missile attack.

GAZA HEALTH MINISTRY: There are a large number of Palestinians who were killed, and we need to lay them to rest.

HEZBOLLAH: We targeted for the second time today the Israeli site Al-Marj.

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: We eliminated 7 Israeli soldiers from zero range.

AL-JAZEERA: Sirens sound in Kissufim and Ein Hashlosha in the Gaza Strip.

DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS: There must be a complete and immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

EGYPT: The Egyptian Foreign Minister said that the statements of the Israeli Finance Minister regarding the displacement of Palestinians are completely rejected.

ISRAEL’S CHANNEL 12: An anti-tank missile was launched from Lebanon at a settlement in the Upper Galilee.

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: We targeted with tandem shells two Zionist tanks and a bulldozer northwest of Gaza City.

Tuesday, November 14, 3:30 pm (GMT+3)

GAZA HEALTH MINISTRY: The bombing and lack of fuel paralyze the movement of ambulances.

BLINKEN: The United States and the United Kingdom imposed additional sanctions on groups and individuals affiliated with Hamas.

AL-JAZEERA: Israeli forces withdraw from the camp and city of Tulkarm.

LEBANESE PM MIKATI: We are committed to the presence of UNIFIL forces in southern Lebanon.

HEZBOLLAH: We targeted the Israeli site of Birkat Risha and its surroundings with missiles.

AL-QUDS BRIGADES: : Our fighters are engaged in fierce clashes with enemy forces in central Gaza City.

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: We targeted a Zionist tank northwest of Gaza City.

AL-JAZEERA: One Palestinian was killed and others were injured in an Israeli bombing that targeted a house in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

AL-RANTISI HOSPITAL DIRECTOR: We had to evacuate patients, displaced people, and medical personnel due to the Israeli bombing.

Tuesday, November 14, 2:30 pm (GMT+3)

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: We targeted a special Zionist force holed up in a building in Gaza City.

ISRAELI ARMY: We bombed Hezbollah infrastructure in Lebanon.

AL-JAZEERA: Several Palestinians were killed and others wounded in an Israeli bombing of a school housing displaced people in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza.

AXIOS: : The Israeli government is moving to deal with the company that owns the Pegasus program to track down captives held by Hamas.

AL-JAZEERA: Sirens sound in border towns in the Western Galilee

AL-JAZEERA: Sirens sound in Nahal Oz.

AL-QASSAM BRIGADES: We Targeted Two Zionist Tanks in the Western Gaza Axis.

Tuesday, November 14, 1:30 pm (GMT+3)

GAZA GOVERNMENT MEDIA OFFICE: The Strip is subjected to a genocidal war.

HEZBOLLAH: We caused direct casualties at a gathering point for Israeli soldiers

AL-JAZEERA: A large explosion was heard in Eilat.

UNRWA: There will be a famine in Gaza and there will no longer be safe drinking water.

GAZA HEALTH MINISTRY: We decided to bury the bodies in the Shifa Complex in a mass grave.

Tuesday, November 14, 12:45 pm (GMT+3)

UNRWA: Washington and the European Union demand the entry of fuel, but the Israeli response is negative.

AL-JAZEERA: Clashes continued between Palestinian fighters and Israeli occupation forces in Tulkarm, in the northern West Bank.

AL-JAZEERA: Rockets launched from the Gaza Strip fell in Asqalan (Ashkelon).

Tuesday, November 14, 11:45 am (GMT+3)

DIRECTOR OF SHIFA MEDICAL COMPLEX: We were forced to bury the bodies inside the complex after their bodies decomposed and there was no consent to take them out.

HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: We are collecting and analyzing evidence regarding crimes against hospitals.

NYT: Hundreds of US agency employees protest Biden’s support for Israel.

ISRAELI ARMY RADIO: Two missiles were fired from Lebanon at military sites in Galilee.

PALESTINIAN RED CRESCENT: In an interview with Al Jazeera, the spokesman for the Palestinian Red Crescent in Gaza denied what he described as the occupation’s slander regarding the use of hospitals for military purposes.

Tuesday, November 14, 11:00 am (GMT+3)

AL-JAZEERA: Several Palestinians were injured in an Israeli artillery shelling in the vicinity of a school belonging to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip.

FRENCH GOVERNMENT: Paris calls for an immediate and permanent humanitarian truce.

AL-JAZEERA: Israeli tanks surrounded more than 100 patients and medical staff at Al-Hilu Hospital in Gaza City.

ISRAELI ARMY SPOKESMAN: Israeli air defenses intercepted a suspicious object off the coast of Akka.

Tuesday, November 14, 10:15 am (GMT+3)

GENERAL DIRECTOR OF GAZA HOSPITALS: Hospitals in southern Gaza are beginning to go out of service.

AL-JAZEERA: One Palestinian was killed and 15 wounded in an Israeli bombing that targeted a residential apartment in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

GAZA HEALTH MINISTRY: Efforts to remove bodies from Al-Shifa Hospital failed.

BRITISH PM SUNAK: Israel must protect civilians and bring aid into Gaza

ISRAELI FINANCE MINISTER SMOTRICH: Voluntary immigration of the people of Gaza is the solution.

IRANIAN FM: The international community must condemn Israel’s crimes and use all available means to hold this entity accountable.

AL-QUDS BRIGADES: We bombed crowds of the Israeli occupation army in the woods of the Kissufim settlement with a number of mortar shells.

PALESTINIAN RED CRESCENT: The only generator in Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Yunis stopped.

Tuesday, November 14, 09:00 am (GMT+3)

AL-JAZEERA: The number of Palestinians killed following Israeli raids that targeted two homes in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, has risen to 13.

HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: The Independent International Commission of Inquiry and the International Criminal Court must investigate what is happening in Gaza.

Tuesday, November 14, 08:00 am (GMT+3)

AL-JAZEERA: A young Palestinian man died at dawn on Tuesday, succumbing to his wounds shot by the Israeli occupation forces near the town of Beit Ainoun, northeast of Hebron.

Tuesday, November 14, 07:00 am (GMT+3)

CANADIAN FM MELANIE JOLIE: Civilians must be protected and sufficient food, water and fuel allowed into the Gaza Strip.

ISRAELI ARMY: The Israeli army announced that two soldiers were killed and four others were injured last night, in ground battles in the northern Gaza Strip.

Tuesday, November 14, 06:00 am (GMT+3)

AL-QUDS BRIGADES: We bombed incursive Israeli crowds near the equestrian club northwest of Gaza with mortar shells.

Tuesday, November 14, 05:00 am (GMT+3)

AL-JAZEERA: At least 9 Palestinians were killed and others wounded as Israel bombed two inhabited homes in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

FAO: All residents of Gaza suffer from food insecurity.

AL-JAZEERA: The number of Palestinians killed in the Tulkarm camp has risen to 5 and those injured to 9.

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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