Execute Palestinian Prisoners – Ben-Gvir’ Solution to Overcrowded Prisons

Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Image: Palestine Chronicle)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

The minister’s comments followed the Israeli government’s approval of the addition of around a thousand detention spaces for Palestinian prisoners.

Israeli Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, proposed implementing the death penalty for Palestinian prisoners as a solution to address prison overcrowding. 

Ben-Gvir, leader of the far-right Jewish Power Party, made this statement on his social media accounts, suggesting it as a solution to the Israeli Prison Service’s detention crisis. 

“The death penalty for terrorists is the right solution to the incarceration problem,” Ben-Gvir wrote.

The minister’s comments  followed the Israeli government’s approval of the addition of around a thousand detention spaces for Palestinian prisoners within the Israeli Prison Services.

This expansion, costing approximately 450 million shekels ($119.21 million), is funded equally by the Israeli Ministry of Defense and other ministries, as reported by the Israeli news website Walla.

Meanwhile, the Gaza Strip’s government media office stated that the Israeli occupation army has detained over 5,000 Palestinians during its ongoing war on the Strip, which has entered its seventh consecutive month.

Dismantle War CO

In a separate post on his X account, Ben-Gvir criticized what he described as a “policy of containment” following Iran’s retaliatory attack on April 13. 

“In the north, Hezbollah saw that the Conception Cabinet was not responding to the attack of hundreds of missiles from Iran into Israeli territory, so it raised its head and took an aggressive step against us,” he said.

Ben-Gvir’s comments followed an operation carried out by the Lebanese Resistance movement on the Arab Al-Aramsheh military base in southern Israel, which wounded at least 19 Israelis, according to Israeli media.

“It’s time to dismantle the war cabinet, stop the policy of inclusion and proportionality and show our enemies that the landlord has gone mad,” Ben-Gvir wote on X. 


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1 Comment

  1. Torrorism that target and brutally kill civilian population like what happened on october 7th is the worst crime and should be punished by the strongest under the law.
    Let’s just hope Israel succeed in eradication the problem.
    Oslo, Norway

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