Defense for Children: Israeli Forces Killed Palestinian Child for Discovering Undercover Operation

Rafat Omar Ahmad Khamayseh, 15, was killed by Israeli forces in Jenin. (Photo: via Defense for Children Palestine)

Undercover Israeli forces deliberately killed a 15-year-old Palestinian boy after he saw them sneaking into the Jenin refugee camp during a military incursion on September 19, a human rights group said.

In a report issued on Wednesday by Defense for Children Palestine (DCIP), the Palestinian sector of Geneva-based Defense for Children International (DCI), Rafat Omar Ahmad Khamayseh left his grandfather’s house in the northern West Bank’s Jenin refugee camp on Tuesday, September 19, when he then “saw Israeli Special Forces exiting three Palestinian licensed cars and surround the home of the father of a Palestinian man wanted for arrest.”

The report stated that “Rafat fled, yelling, ‘Special Forces! Special Forces!’ One Israeli soldier chased Rafat and shot him in the abdomen from a distance of 10 meters”.

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The Israeli occupation forces then shot at the boy again, as a Palestinian man came to his aid and “threw himself on top of Rafat and rolled him toward his house, less than five meters away. The man and his family sheltered Rafat for about an hour and a half as the Israeli military prevented ambulances from accessing Jenin refugee camp.”

The boy was reported to have been “struck with one bullet that entered his abdomen and exited from the upper right side of his chest … He bled extensively from his mouth and nose while waiting for an ambulance.” The DCIP stated that “Rafat died before an ambulance transferred him to Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin.”

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Khamayseh’s murder is the latest killing of a Palestinian – especially a minor – by Israeli forces this year, with at least 240 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and besieged Gaza Strip having reportedly been killed since the beginning of 2023, including 48 children.

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The human rights group acknowledged the killing of Palestinian minors as a common practice by Occupation forces, stating in its report that “Investigations and evidence collected by DCIP regularly suggest that Israeli forces use lethal force against Palestinian children in circumstances that may amount to extrajudicial or willful killings”.


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