Coup in Israel? – Clashes, Chaos at Beit Lid Base following Soldier Arrests

Hundreds of Israeli protesters stormed the Beit Lid base following the arrests of nine soldiers. (Photo: video grab)

The Israeli army has summoned soldiers preparing for combat in Gaza, forces from the West Bank, and soldiers on leave to deploy near the Beit Lid camp.

Chaos erupted at the Beit Lid base in central Israel last evening as hundreds of Israeli demonstrators stormed the military court to protest the arrest of soldiers accused of sexually assaulting a Gaza prisoner.

The court’s verdict remains undisclosed, with army forces surrounding the area amid extreme tension, according to Al-Jazeera.

The Israeli military police intervened after a military spokesperson announced an investigation into serious prisoner abuse allegations. Nine out of ten soldiers suspected of sexually abusing a Palestinian detainee were arrested by the military police.

Clashes ensued between military police officers and reserve unit forces suspected of torturing prisoners, as the latter tried to prevent the soldiers’ detention for investigation.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that the army is conducting criminal investigations in 48 cases of Palestinian deaths, most of whom were prisoners from Gaza, with 36 deaths occurring in the Sde Teiman camp.

In response to these developments, the Israeli army has summoned soldiers preparing for combat in Gaza, forces from the West Bank, and soldiers on leave to deploy near the Beit Lid camp.

Inside the camp, Israeli Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi expressed support for regular and reserve soldiers, asserting that he was there to ensure no serious incidents occurred. 

He condemned the storming of the camps as dangerous, illegal actions that disrupt the army, state security, and war efforts. Halevi interrupted an operational meeting on the northern front to address the situation at Beit Lid.

Israel Army Radio reported that Halevi is conducting a security assessment with the police district commander and other officials. The radio also aired a video showing protesters storming the military court and clashing with military police, who struggled to prevent the intrusion.

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority released footage of protesters attempting to breach an iron gate inside the courthouse, leading to the holding area for the soldiers accused of assaulting a Palestinian from Gaza.

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Knesset Members

Haaretz reported that around 200 right-wing activists, including masked and armed soldiers with the “Force 100” logo, stormed the military court at Beit Lid, where nine reserve soldiers were held for interrogation over suspected severe mistreatment of a Palestinian detainee at Sde Teiman camp in the Negev.

Among the demonstrators were Knesset members Tali Gottlieb (Likud), Yitzhak Kreuzer (Otzma Yehudit), and Limor Son Har-Melech (Otzma Yehudit).

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid warned of an existential threat to Israel, stating that all red lines have been crossed. The head of the Israeli Labor Party called for police intervention, criticizing National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir for endangering Israel and its citizens.

Several Israeli ministers and officials defended the attacking soldiers. Energy Minister Eli Cohen (Likud) expressed support for them on the X platform. 

“We support and embrace the heroic IDF soldiers in the regular and reserve ranks,” he wrote.

“Even if any inspection is required, it must be done in a dignified manner appropriate to those who protect the country,” he added.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir condemned the military police’s actions as shameful and called for an end to the arrests.

“I’m on my way to Beit Lied base to strengthen our heroic fighters and tell the army to take your hands off our fighters!,” he wrote on X on Monday night.

The Jewish Power party echoed this sentiment, with ministers and Knesset members also heading to Sde Teiman to demand the soldiers’ release. 


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  1. It is about time to bid farewell to this pro-rape, children murderer Zionist entity. This entity has accused Hamas of raping teens. But when it seems like every accusation is a confession.

  2. I am so ashamed of my own government (UK) and all governments, particularly the US, who just stand and watch the IDF terrorists carry out atrocities redolent of Nazi wartime savages. How can the world witness what is happening and do nothing? I despair for humanity.

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