“We need steady hands, not a president who says he is neutral on Monday, pro-Israel on Tuesday and who knows what on Wednesday, because everything is negotiable!” Clinton said. In clear reference to Trump, she went on,”Well my friends, Israel’s security is not negotiable.”
The comments were a clear reference to Trump’s assertion that he wants to be neutral in what he says about the conflict because he aims to negotiate a deal between the sides as president, the hardest deal in the world.
“America can’t ever be neutral when it comes to Israel’s security and survival,” Clinton said. “Some things aren’t negotiable. And anyone who doesn’t understand that has no business being America’s president.”
The speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee was filled with red meat for Israel supporters. Clinton repeatedly denounced the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, BDS, as “anti-semitic”– an effort to “undermine Israel and the Jewish people.” She thereby equated Israel and Judaism, an equation that AIPAC wants her to make, but which many Jews do not accept.
She said that anti-Semitism was rife on American campuses and in Europe, and she told pro-Israel students: “Don’t let anyone try to silence you, bully you or try to shut down debate.”
– Read more: Clinton Tells AIPAC: Trump ‘Has No Business Being President’ because He Would Be ‘Neutral’ to Israel – Mondoweiss