Censorship Continues – Meta Restricts Use of Another Word

A campaign against Facebook censorship of pro-Palestine content. (Photo: File)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Meta Platforms announced on Tuesday that it will restrict the use of the term ‘Zionists’ when it refers to Israelis. 

The company stated in a blog post that it will specifically target content attacking ‘Zionists’ when it is not clearly about the political movement.

The word ‘Zionist’, according to Meta, “has layers of meaning based on its origins and usage today, and may also be highly dependent on context”.

The post explains that, according to Meta, based on their “research, engagement, and on-platform investigation” the term is used as “a proxy term for Jewish people and Israelis in relation to certain types of hateful attacks”.

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The British newspaper The Guardian quoted advocate for digital rights and social entrepreneur Nadim Nashif as saying that “Shadow-banning is just one of the many ways in which we have seen Palestinian content silenced and censored over the last week.”

Instagram users have accused the platform of censoring posts that support Palestine, raising further concerns about content moderation.

The policy update reportedly comes after consultations with 145 stakeholders from civil society and academia around the world and amid Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

The social media giant has faced longstanding criticism over its handling of content related to Palestine.

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These criticisms have intensified since the onset of the war, with rights groups accusing Meta of suppressing pro-Palestinian content on Facebook and Instagram.

“Meta’s content moderation policies and systems have increasingly silenced voices in support of Palestine on Instagram and Facebook in the wake of the hostilities between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups,” Human Rights Watch stated in a report last December. 

“Human Rights Watch identified six key patterns of censorship, each recurring in at least 100 instances,” the report added, listing them as “content removals, suspension or deletion of accounts, inability to engage with content, inability to follow or tag accounts, restrictions on the use of features such as Instagram/Facebook Live, and ‘shadow banning’, a term denoting a significant decrease in the visibility of an individual’s posts, stories, or account without notification.”

(The Palestine Chronicle)

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered 501(c)3 organization, thus, all donations are tax deductible.)
Our Vision For Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders & Intellectuals Speak Out


  1. Meta’s censorship is quite puzzling, and possibly indicates an inability to think straight on this issue. It’s common knowledge that Zionism is the common ideology of Israel, common to leftists and rightists alike. Very few Israelis are anti-Zionist, something I know for a fact from having communicated with a few I(sraelis leftists in my time. If Meta was a person – which according to US law it is – I would recommend that Meta see a psychologist for possible derangement, and a neuropsychologist or neurologist for assessment of possible brain injury, either traumatic or narcotic-induced.

  2. Why don’t everyone just leave these stupid information gathering platforms like Meta X Facebook Instagram etc etc
    You don’t actually need them and their rubbish.
    They need You.
    Delete them apps and their trackers and don’t be feeding the beast .
    You do not need it .

    Then you can call anyone what they oughta be called

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