Between ‘False Illusions’ and ‘Collapse’ – Israeli Analysts Warn against Continuation of War

Israeli analysts warned against the continuation of the war, which could lead to Israel's collapse. (Design: Palestine Chronicle)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Israeli analysts warn that continuing the war could lead to Israel’s collapse, highlighting the army’s strained resources and lack of clear priorities.

Israeli Army Reserve Major General Yitzhak Brik has expressed concerns about Israel’s ability to win the ongoing war in Gaza and in northern Lebanon, also warning that the continuation of hostilities could lead to Israel’s collapse, Al-Jazeera reported, citing Israeli media.

In statements reported by Israeli media on Thursday, Brik described the Israeli army as small, worn out, and lacking in surplus forces, emphasizing that the situation worsens with each passing day of war.

The former general reportedly criticized the Israeli leadership at both political and military levels for not acknowledging the difficult realities and accused them of leading Israel toward disaster. 

Brik argued that Israel lost the war from the outset on October 7, describing it as a humiliating defeat. He suggested that instead of talking about absolute victory, Israel should have focused on addressing the loss with clear priorities.

He reportedly warned that if the war is not ended, it will become a prolonged conflict, potentially leading to Israel’s collapse and a regional war, along with increased global isolation.

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Refusing to Serve

Meanwhile, an Israeli left-wing movement called ‘Yesh Gvul’ (There is a Limit) reported on Wednesday an unprecedented rise in the number of Israelis refusing to serve in the military amid the ongoing war in Gaza.

Yishai Menuchin, a spokesperson for the group, said they assisted around 40 soldiers who refused to enlist in the reserves.

Overall, Yesh Gvul received about 100 requests for assistance from individuals refusing military service.

Another left-wing group, Mesarvot, noted a sharp increase in the number of reservists seeking help, Zman Yisrael reported.

Since the ground operation began in Gaza on October 27, the Israeli forces have suffered significant losses. 

The army announced that 642 soldiers have been killed and 3,643 injured since the war started on October 7, with 291 killed and 1,831 injured during the ground operation. However, Israeli sources suggest the actual numbers may be higher.

Philadelphi Route

The Israeli army claimed on Wednesday to have gained full “operational control” over the Philadelphi Route, a demilitarized buffer zone along the Gaza-Egypt border, except for a small section near the coast and Tel al-Sultan in western Rafah, which they claim to control with surveillance and firepower. 

The Philadelphi Route, or Philadelphi Corridor – often referred to as Philadelphia,  is a narrow strip of land, long 14 kilometers, located along the border between southern Gaza and Egypt. 

In the past, the corridor was under the control of Israeli forces, which patrolled it under the provisions of the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty of 1979.

The Strategic Importance of the Philadelphi Route to Israel – EXPLAINER

Israel was allowed to control the corridor even after the Oslo Accords of 1993. 

Only in 2005, when Israeli troops redeployed from the Gaza Strip, Egypt and Israel concluded the Philadelphi Accord. 

Then, Egypt was committed to deploying 750 border guards along the route to patrol the border on the Egyptian side, while the Palestinian side remained under the control of the Palestinians.

No Full Control

Al-Jazeera military expert Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi, however, noted that while the Israeli forces have entered the Philadelphia route with Egypt, they have not fully controlled it, indicating that the situation depends on Egypt’s position. 

He mentioned that the killing of an Egyptian soldier at the Rafah crossing by Israeli forces highlights the potential volatility of the situation.

Al-Duwairi pointed out that the entry of Israeli forces into the axis contradicts the Egyptian-Israeli peace agreement, which forbids military forces in the area to preserve Egyptian sovereignty. It remains unclear whether this entry was against Egypt’s will or in agreement with it.

He criticized the Israeli claims of destroying 1,200 tunnels, suggesting the geographical nature of the area contradicts these statements. 

Al-Duwairi also noted that the destruction of a Merkava tank by the Palestinian Resistance indicates the tunnels are still operational.

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Eisenkot: False Illusions

Al-Duwairi’s claims seem to be supported by War Council member Gadi Eisenkot’s statement that Israel has not achieved its war goals. 

Eisenkot accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday of sowing false illusions about the ongoing military offensive in Rafah.

During the annual Meir Dagan conference at the Netanya Academic College, Eisenkot attacked Netanyahu “for creating and pushing the concept of ‘total victory’ against Hamas.”

“Anyone who says that we’ll disband a few battalions in Rafah and then bring back the hostages is sowing a false illusion,” he added, according to the Israeli newspaper The Times of Israel newspaper.

(PC, AJA, Anadolu)

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