Bereaved Father Tells The Palestine Chronicle: I Lost My Whole Family, Except for Suzy (PHOTOS)

Riyad Ishkintna's home was destroyed, five members of his family perished. (Photo: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)

By Mahmoud Ajjour – Gaza

Riyad Ishkintna has lost his wife, two daughters and two sons in an Israeli strike at the Abu ‘Of building in the Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City. The Palestine Chronicle visited him and his only surviving daughter, Suzy in the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

Riyad told us, while covered in bruises and bandages all over his body, that in the beginning he “prayed for death”.

But, as he looks at his wounded daughter Suzy lying beside him, he adds,

 “But when I learned that I still have one of my daughters alive, I said, ‘all thanks to God’, because Suzy’s smile will remind me of the smiles of all of my children. My other four children and my wife will always be with me as long as Suzy is with me.”

(All Photos: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)

(The Palestine Chronicle)

– Mahmoud Ajjour is a Gaza-based photojournalist. He is the Palestine Chronicle’s correspondent in the Gaza Strip.