Before Our Eyes – A Poem

By Ramona Wadi

membrane mired in melancholy
seizing silent slivers of stone
escaping the eruption of missiles
divesting eyes of light

a distorted symphony of deranged dust
describing deliberate deconstruction
of dwellings succumbing to asymmetry

before our eyes
senses shrivel into an imploding conflagration
remnants of vision betrothed to sound and blood

in the space of a congealed tear
a thought constructs itself
in spectator’s language, languishing
between experience, experimentation
and the interminable process
of laborious, last breaths

before our eyes
dissection of tears confirm distances disparaged
in composition and conduct

our eyes share shades of earth
exploited minerals in canvases of flesh
completing monotonous oscillations
seeking pigment to inscribe
the echoes of bloodied sunsets
for the moment when eyes separate
into those seeking remainders
and others observing
the premeditated itinerary

– Ramona Wadi is an independent researcher, freelance journalist, book reviewer and blogger, focusing on the struggle for memory in Palestine and Chile. She is a regular writer for Middle East Monitor and Mint Press News. Her work has been published in various outlets, including academic publications and translated into several languages. She contributed this poem to