Anti-Israeli Rallies Continue Worldwide

Demonstrators across the world continue to hold protests condemning Israel’s fatal attack on a Gaza-bound aid convoy that left several peace activists dead.

In Spain, hundreds of protesters took into streets of the northern Spanish Basque city of Bilbao to condemn the deadly assault.

Demonstrators called by several Basque unions and social collectives accused the Spanish government of collaborating with Israel in killing Palestinians.

They held a banner reading “Israel kills, Spanish government collaborates.”

A similar protest was held in Khartoum where Sudanese demonstrators censured Israel’s “piracy operation” in international waters and praised Turkey for its strong reaction.

The demonstration, which was organized by the Sudanese Council of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA), was held before the UN organization headquarters in Khartoum on Thursday.

In Indonesia, thousands of people held rallied in Jakarta on Thursday to condemn the Israeli onslaught.

Palestinian sources say 20 international activists were killed and 50 others were injured in the incident. Three activists are still missing.

The Israeli navy attacked the Freedom Flotilla, which was carrying 10,000 tons of food and medical supplies to the Gaza Strip, in international waters more than 150 km (90 miles) off the coast of Gaza.

(Press TV)