Rashad Nimr Abu Ras is only 7 years old and has just completed the first grade in his elementary school in Gaza City. But there is something particularly special about this little child that made him an immediate celebrity in Gaza. He has fully memorized the Holy Quran. That’s over 77,000 words.
In the pictures below, Rashad, joined by his family, was examined by a panel of religious scholars who verified his astounding achievement. In one of the photos, Rashad’s sister holds a sign that reads: ‘Rashad is the most beautiful Hafiz’. Hafiz is the name given to a Muslim who memorizes the whole Quran.
The Palestine Chronicle spoke to Rashad’s father, Nimr. He told us that he encouraged his son by rewarding him for every few pages of the Quran he memorized. Initially, this meant that Rashad acquired a new soccer ball and other toys. Ultimately, he became the proud owner of a brand new bike.
Eventually, however, Rashad became keen on learning the Quran on his own. He was encouraged by his parents, neighbors and teachers. At the event, attended by a large number of Gaza dignitaries and scholars, Rashad was certified as a Hafiz, receiving a special present and his own special copy of the Quran.
(All Photos: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)