On Friday all of Tunisia’s schools organized a stand in solidarity and support of the Palestinian struggle, and against Mike Pompeo, the US secretary of state’s statements that legitimize Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Tunisian minister of education, Hatem Ben Salem, the two presidents of the General Federations of Secondary and Primary Education at the Tunisian General Labour Union, the general secretary of the Main Syndicate in La Goulette and the director of the Pioneer School, all participated in chanting the Palestinian and Tunisian national anthems and raising the two flags, and then stood for a moment of silence for the lives of martyred people.
A totally gratuitous move by a discredited @SecPompeo. Why slap the Palestinians in the face again? Why boost the settlement/annexation movement at the very moment that Gantz is trying to form a government? This has Friedman’s fingerprints on it. https://t.co/cC4vhKwuQk
— Martin Indyk (@Martin_Indyk) November 18, 2019
Ben Salem stressed that all of Tunisia’s sects stand today in honor of the struggle of the Palestinian people and their steadfastness in facing Israeli violations. He called on the international community to intervene with full force to stop the Israeli transgressions against the Palestinian people, especially depriving Palestinian children of their right to education.
Assistant secretary-general of the Tunisian General Labour Union, Kamal Saad, declared that the union stands with the Palestinians in their struggles until they regain their freedom, and establish an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.
PLO executive member Tayser Khaled calls on Arab states to recall their ambassadors from Washington in protest to @SecPompeo legitimizing illegal settlements as a gift to @netanyahu
تيسير خالد يدعو الدول العربية لاستدعاء سفرائها من واشنطن احتجاج على بيان بومبيو شرعنة الاستيطان— Daoud Kuttab داود (@daoudkuttab) November 19, 2019
Secretary-general of the General Federation of Secondary Education, Lassaad Yakoubi, affirmed that “the General Federation of Secondary Education and the Tunisian General Labour Union are soldiers defending Palestine. We are convinced that the Palestinian cause is a core issue. We stood today to break the terrible official Arab silence, and we will instill in the conscience of our children, generation after another, that Palestine is ours, no matter how long it takes.”
(Middle East Monitor, PC, Social Media)
Those children are holding up a terrorist FSA flag. The western-armed Wahhabi Salafi FSA terrorists have brought unthinkable terror, torture, starvation, human & organ trafficking, rape, child & adult slavery, sex slavery, forced underage marriage, and Nazi concentration camp tactics (baking ppl in ovens) throughout Syria. Tunisian schools better get clued in on Syria. HOW DARE THEY HOLD A TERRORIST AL QAEDA FLAG NEXT TO THE PALESTINIAN FLAG!!!!!!