Israeli NGO Calls on Israel to Revoke BDS Founder’s Residency (VIDEO)

Palestinian activist Omar Barghouti, the co-founder of the BDS movement. (Photo: via Social Media)

The Israeli human rights group, Betzalmo, has called on Israel’s Attorney General and Minister of Interior to cancel BDS-founder Omar Al-Barghouti’s residency status, Arutz Sheva reported Sunday.

According to a letter that was dated for April 24, 2019, the Israeli NGO argued how it was possible that Barghouthi could be denied entry into the United States, but not in Israel, which is the country he is calling on the world to boycott.

Betzalmo said:

“A recent law authorizes the Minister of the Interior, with the approval of the Attorney General, to revoke residency for anyone who harms state security or violates allegiance to the state, or endangers public peace … Undoubtedly Barghouti’s leadership of the boycott movement against all citizens of the State of Israel severely harms the State of Israel and is a blatant breach of allegiance, as well as a threat to Israel’s security and defense by pushing for an arms embargo against Israel.”

The Israeli NGO said,

“In addition, the BDS movement collaborates with terrorist organizations, so there is undoubtedly an indirect link between Mr. Barghouti and terrorist organizations.”

Barghouti was previously denied entry into the United States, despite having the necessary documentation to enter the country.

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) is a global campaign that has called for the economic boycott of Israel until it meets its “obligations under international law.”

(TeleSur, PC, Social Media)

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  1. This item needs to be corrected – this is not an Israeli NGO but a far-right activist named Shai Glick who apparently wishes to be confused with the real NGO Betzelem.

  2. I am from Vancouver,Canada and I wanted to say that Omar Barghouthi is taking up for the rights of all Palestinians in Palestine.The Partition Of Palestine in 1948 denied the rights of Palestinians and a policy of genocide against Palestinians was started by the Zionist Leadership in Palestine.This Apartheid policy against Palestinians continue to this day.The BDS Movement is fighting against this.Omar Barghouthi got the right to stay in Palestine since he is a Palestinian.Israel don’t have the right to be the Gov’t of Palestine since Palestine was partitioned without the consent of the Palestinian People.The majority of people in the world supports the Palestinian People.

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