Qpress, a media center specializing in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa affairs, has been closed by Israeli authorities.
After being questioned and banned from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque last week, the head of the news organization, Dr. Hekmat Na’amna, was informed that Qpress was being shut down in accordance with a military decision issued early this month.
He was also informed that the use of the website has been banned, in addition to the use of the Facebook page. He was warned by the Israeli intelligence that any use of Qpress would result in prosecution – orders issued by the Israeli military and security forces.
Shin Bet w/ police raided+closed QPRESS; Higher Ctte For Supporting Jlem+Al-Aqsa; Qudarat (Nazareth + Um al-Fahm)https://t.co/y6xiOUA0vn
— Marian Houk (@Marianhouk) October 6, 2016
Commenting on this decision, Mahmoud Abu Ata, a journalist specializing in Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa and holy site affairs and a former employee of Qpress said: “This closure aims to silence the voice of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem and the holy sites and to censor true facts and the true situation on the ground in occupied Jerusalem.”
“The occupation wants to cover up its crimes and plans against Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa and the Muslim and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem as well as across Palestine. Qpress has always exposed such crimes as part of its media duty in a professional and transparent manner.”
“However, it seems that such objectivity and honorable professionalism that portrayed the events, pictures and videos exactly as they occurred did not please the Israeli administration.”