Hamas vowed on Monday to continue to hold onto all forms of power, including military means, in order to “defend the rights” of its people, Al-Resalah newspaper reported.
According to the newspaper, the comments came in response to remarks by the Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman to the Arabic newspaper Al-Quds.
Lieberman stated that if Hamas stopped arming and digging tunnels, Israel would lift the ten-year siege on the Gaza Strip and build a seaport, airport and industrial zone.
All Israeli War Ministers whoThreatened Us Died: Hamas Reacts to Lieberman Threats https://t.co/o1v3KH7xZ8#Israeliregime#Gaza#Palestine pic.twitter.com/gSpcmtF315
— Alwaght (@EnglishAlwaght) October 25, 2016
He also said if there was a war in Gaza, it would be the last, implying that it would be fiercer than previous offensives.
“The Israeli siege imposed on the Gaza Strip is a crime according to the international humanitarian law and it must end,” Hamas spokesman, Hazem Qasim said.
“Based on international law, the occupation must afford all means of life to the occupied nation,” Qasim pointed out, noting that Palestinians have the right to have terminals to the outside world such as an airport and seaport that “guarantee the minimum human right: free movement.”
Israel's defense minister threatens that next war on Gaza will be so destructive that it will be the last https://t.co/zxMIBmy8Qc
— Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) October 24, 2016
Meanwhile, he reiterated that Hamas’ weapons are not “subject to political blackmailing”, stressing that the Palestinians have the right to own any means of power to defend themselves in the face of the “repeated” Israeli aggression.
“This is a right not subject to be bargained or bartered,” he said.