Israeli Summer Camp: ‘How to Hate Palestinians’

Extreme right wing Israeli settler, Noam Frederman. (Photo: Youtube video grab)

Israeli media have claimed that Jewish settlers were taught “how to hate and attack Palestinians” in a summer camp held in the hills around Hebron in the occupied West Bank, which concluded this week, Israel’s Ynet News website reported.

Lehava Anti-Assimilation Organisation has organised the camp for the second year for members of the Hilltop Youth. Most of Israel’s illegal settlements are built on hills allowing them to dominate the surrounding area.

Young Israeli settlers aged 14 to 22 who attended the camp were taught colloquial Arabic, basic field skills, how to conduct surveillance and how to withstand Shin Bet and police interrogations.

They also received instruction in Krav Maga, the self-defence system developed for the Israel Defence Forces. They were further taught how to deny their activities while in custody.

According to Days of Palestine, which was quoting Ynet News, the attendees were incited to act against the Palestinians, whether they are Muslims, Christians or any other faith.

Jewish extremists, including the head of Lehava, Bentzi Gopstein, Itamar Ben-Gvir – well-known for his provocative acts against Palestinians – and Noam Federman, an extreme right-winger, were among the tutors at the camp.

Federman is alleged to have warned his students of the dangers involved if they acknowledge carrying out attacks against the Palestinians, citing the settler who exposed another who had carried out the Duma attack last year, which killed a Palestinian family.



  1. Zionism is racism. Zionism is theft. Zionism is fascism. Zionism is doomed.

    Bottom line: Foreign Jews had the same right to Palestine as Irish Catholics and Mexican atheists, i.e, none whatsoever!!! Therein lies the root cause of the conflict.

    Over the centuries, historic Palestine has known many occupiers. The Zionist occupation will be one of the shortest. Israel is rotting within.

  2. Amen to that. Zionism should be classified as a mental disorder. All Zionism ever was was a blend of sectarian supremacist tribal mythology that has been debunked and has no basis in reality. The Zionists have created a state on the basis of their cannon history. It’s group think gone mad among a cult that believes that they were born with extra-judicial rights to roll over anybody and everybody who disputes their ‘entitlement’ to steal the indigenous land of the Palestinians.

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