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Letters to the Editor

Blind, Pro-Israel Policies To the Editor: A few days ago, my family and I, watched Occupation 101. I find it hard to believe that a nation such as Israel is still breaking every International law […]

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Gazans Expect Nothing From Bush

GAZA CITY – As US President George W. Bush starts on Wednesday, January 9, a much-publicized visit to Israel and the occupied West Bank, besieged Gazans are watching from the sidelines, expecting nothing but another […]

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Mazin Qumsiyeh: Bush

By Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD Special to The President’s visit to the Middle East this week will show once and for all that status quo lives on under the attempt to validate the old saying […]

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Jim Miles: Canada Report 2007

By Jim MilesSpecial to Canadians have always prided themselves on the “goodness” if not the “greatness” of their country. Sitting north of the United States, Canadians struggle with an ideal that rejects many American […]

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Israel Conceals Settlement Report

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — The Israeli government is refusing to publish a report on settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian lands, fearing it could harm relations with main ally Washington. "State security, as well as protection […]

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Sherri Muzher: The Real Freiers

By Sherri MuzherSpecial to Freier.   In Yiddish slang terms, a freier is better known as a sucker or a fool, and this principle guides most every aspect in Israeli society even in international relations. Back in […]

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Ramzy Baroud: No Good News from Iraq

By Ramzy BaroudSpecial to In recent months, we have been inundated by media reports bringing good news from Iraq, with countless testimonials to the great improvement in security enjoyed by the country in general […]

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Ron Moore: The Ron Paul Revolution

By Ron Moore Special to Ron Paul has earned his reputation as “President of the Internet.” Receiving enough hits, page views, myspace friend requests and you tube views that dwarfs the other candidates, the […]

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Hasan Afif El-Hasan: Israel

By Hasan Afif El-HasanSpecial to “Jews-only land policy is at issue” was the title of an article in my US town local newspaper. It is about a housing discrimination story in Israel against an […]