UN: Israel Established ‘Apartheid Regime’

Crossing the Qalandiya military checkpoint. (Photo: Tamar Fleishman, PC)

A UN report released yesterday has accused Israel of having established “an apartheid regime” and practices a “systematic regime of racial domination”.

The 74 page document confirmed that the Israeli regime is in fact “institutionalizing” racism against the Palestinian people and that “the Israeli regime is designed for this core purpose was found to be evident in the body of laws”.

The report reiterated that Palestinians are suffering under the Israeli regime in four different domains:

1. Restricting the legal rights of Arab citizens of Israel

2. Permanent residency laws that restrict the rights Palestinians living in Jerusalem

3. Israeli military law used against Palestinians who have living under conditions of “belligerent occupation” in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

4. Policies in place to prevent the Palestinian right to return

Demographic Engineering

The report accused Israel of conducting “demographic engineering” against Palestinians. “Most well-known is Israeli law conferring on Jews worldwide the right to enter Israel and obtain Israeli citizenship regardless of their countries of origin and whether or not they can show links to Israel-Palestine,” the report read.

“It is a matter of Israeli policy to reject the return of any Palestinian refugees and exiles.”

It also condemned Israel’s marital laws for “uniquely” targeting Palestinian spouses of Israeli citizens as a part of their “demographic engineering” by preventing them from entering Israel, despite the fact that all other non-Israeli spouses of Israeli citizens are allowed to enter the country.

Support for BDS

The report even went to the extent of endorsing the BDS movement, stating that “efforts should be made to broaden support for boycott, divestment and sanctions [BDS] initiatives among civil society actors”.

This is despite the fact that the BDS movement has been treated with hostility and has been smeared by the pro-Israel camp, in an attempt to bully pro-Palestine activists to silence. Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked has even attempted to furtherance this rhetoric by branding BDS as “the new face of terrorism”.

(MEMO, PC, Social Media)