‘Pussy Riot’ Cancels Tel Aviv Show

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement calls for boycotting Israel until it ends its occupation of Palestine. (Photo: File)

In a statement on their Facebook and Twitter page, the Russian punk-rock protest band “Pussy Riot” announced that their show in Tel Aviv is cancelled.

The show of the feminist, controversial band was supposed to take place on May 16.

BDS supporters celebrated it as a victory of the Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions movement.

The band, however, didn’t give any clear explanation about the reasons that led to the cancellation. 

Meanwhile, BDS supporters are calling on Argentina National Soccer Team to cancel the match with the Israeli counterpart, launching the hashtag #ArgentinaNoVayas.

??#Palestine || #BDS calls on #Argentina ’s national soccer team to cancel the match will Israeli team #argentinanovayas . . حركة BDS تدعو المنتخب الأرجنتيني لكرة القدم إلى إلغاء مباراته الودية مع نظيره الإسرائيلي التي ستقام في تل أبيب قبيل كأس العالم 2018 وتطلق وسم #ArgentinaNoVayas (لا تذهبي يا أرجنتين) . DE: Die BDS Bewegung lädt die argentinische Fußballnationalmannschaft dazu ein, ihr Spiel gegen Israel mit dem Hashtag #ArgentinaNoVayas abzubrechen. . #ITA: il movimento BDS invita la nazionale argentina di calcio ad annullare l'amichevole con la nazionale israeliana in vista dei prossimi mondiali di calcio 2018 usando #argentinanovayas.

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