Al Wafaa’ Islamic Bloc won 24 seats out of 51 in the Birzeit University Students Council elections with a total of 3,784 votes.
For the fourth year, #Hamas won the student council seats at Birzeit University, Hamas won with 24 seats and #Fatah won with 23 seats.
— Alaa Daraghme (@AlaaDaraghme) May 9, 2018
Competing bloc ‘Martyr Yasser Arafat’ won 23 seats with 3615 votes, while the Democratic Progressive Student Pole won 4 seats with 705 votes and the Students’ Unity bloc won zero seats with only 96 votes.
Head of the Elections Preparatory Committee and Dean of Student Affairs Mohammad Al-Ahmad said the voting rate this year is 74.60%. The number of null votes is 113 and empty votes is 81. The total number of votes cast was 8,200.
Palestinians in the occupied West Bank took to the streets to celebrate the victory of the al-Wafaa’ bloc.
#شاهد ..جانب من الاحتفالات بفوز الكتلة الإسلامية ، الذراع الطلابي لحركة #حماس ، في انتخابات جامعة بيرزيت pic.twitter.com/JMpmenT1QH
— المركز الفلسطيني للإعلام (@PalinfoAr) May 9, 2018
One day before the elections, a student debate between the competing blocs was held during which each bloc presented its electoral program, goals and objectives.
Live from @BirzeitUniv: student council elections take place tomorrow. Very lively campaign happening now. Hamas-linked group won the elections in recent years. Let‘s see how the appr. 10.000students will decide tomorrow! pic.twitter.com/6Zxsbty36r
— Marc Frings (@mpfrings) May 8, 2018
In the 2017 elections, the Islamic Wafaa’ Bloc won 25 seats out of 51, the Martyr Yasser Arafat Bloc won 22 seats and Student Progressive Democratic Pole Bloc won four seats.
(Wafa, PC, Social Media)