How EU Turns ‘Blind Eye’ to Israel’s Crimes

By Stuart Littlewood – London

At last, someone has published an easy-to-read document that sets out very clearly how Israel consistently ignores the legal and human rights obligations that form the basic conditions to the various economic co-operation agreements it has with the EU. Israel clearly had no intention of complying and its repeated breaches should have resulted in suspension or expulsion long ago. Yet the regime continues to enjoy ‘most favoured nation’ status.

It shows how very silly politicians and bureaucrats in Brussels and Strasbourg, working in a dictatorial system the citizens of Europe don’t understand and cannot directly influence, have lavishly rewarded Israel for its criminal acts, and for its unlawful occupation of Palestine which, judging by its actions, it intends to make permanent.

So thank you, David Morrison, for producing "The European Union’s Blind Eye”, a hard-hitting document that the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign intends submitting to the EU.

David Morrison, a member of the London-based Bevin Society and a prolific writer on politics, tells me it is "an organised summary of stuff I have been writing for the past few years. Initially, we have been concentrating on drawing it to the attention of the political class in Ireland – we have sent it to all national politicians in Ireland (and Irish MEPs) and we intend to launch it in Dublin in a few weeks.

"I’m hoping to get other solidarity organisations in Europe to take up the ideas in it." 

They should jump at it it. This is an excellent reference tool and it comes at a critical time. The British government has just appointed the unlamented former minister in charge of Middle East affairs and a former chairman of Labour Friends of Israel, Kim Howells, as the new chairman of the all-important Intelligence and Security Committee.

This body has oversight of the Security Service, the Secret Intelligence Service, the Government Communications Headquarters and the work of the Joint Intelligence Committee and the Intelligence and Security Secretariat, which includes the Assessments Staff in the Cabinet Office. The Committee also takes evidence from the Defence Intelligence Staff, part of the Ministry of Defence.

With 5 inserts out of the 9 on this all-important Committee the Israel Lobby has British security nicely covered. These people have access to highly classified material. One of them employs an assistant called Yoav Zand…. Unbelievable, you might think.

But it is just one of many signs that the ‘integration’ with Europe that the Israeli regime yearns for and has cleverly planned is already well advanced. They are confident that they have enough stooges in high places for this to continue and develop without the need to change their criminal behaviour…. or give up the occupation of Palestine…. or cease persecuting Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land…. or stop being a threat to world peace.

Should the British public be comfortable with this state of affairs? Should the people of Europe?

When they read David Morrison’s "The European Union’s Blind Eye" they’ll be hopping mad. And those gullible enough to have signed up as Israel supporters will deservedly squirm.

-Stuart Littlewood is author of the book Radio Free Palestine, which tells the plight of the Palestinians under occupation. For further information please visit He contributed this article to